One - You Meet

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You are sitting in a tree at midnight, as the moon shines brightly, it's light emanating from the beautiful cosmos. You aren't expecting any company, you are just...thinking. Of course, a slight distraction stops your train of thought, right in its tracks. He appears to be just your age, with long, black hair, and a green hoodie, along with blue jeans. Or...are they also green? Heck his entire body is green. And why is it that you can see right through him? Is he a ghost? You hop down from your tree, curious to find out more. However, he sees you and your gazes meet for a moment. As you approach him, he greets you.

"Hi there, miss," he sounds friendly, but you know never to trust a ghost. Not after the Preeminent almost cursed the 16 realms. You can now see a green streak in his black hair, and his right eye is emerald green, the left sky blue.

"Hello," you say to him.

You shake hands. Or at least try to. Your hand goes right through his, since he is a ghost.

"Oh...right," you say.

"Yeah...please don't splash me!!" his tone went from calm to pleading. "I never wanted to do any of that-"

"Woah. Calm down," you say. "What happened?"

"You don't know? It's all my fault. If I wasn't so stupid to look for the fricken tomb, I-" he broke off into some light sobbing. But you now know exactly who he is. Morro. The ghost that almost cursed NinjaGo. You think twice about being friendly with him, but before you can say anything, he throws his arms around you and begins to cry. You really hate him after all he's done to threaten NinjaGo, but you can't help but feel sorry for him. You comfort him during his emotional breakdown, and although you hate to admit it, you really wanted to kiss him...just on the cheek, to make him feel better.

"'s okay..." you tell him softly.

He looks up at your face, and stares into your eyes. You're locked in each other's gaze. "Th-thank you-" Morro managed to choke out.

You both couldn't help but hug each other. You like him. You just hope he doesn't feel the would be bad to fall in love with him, right?

"My name is Morro, by the way."

"I know. My name is Y/N," you say. You yawn upon realization of what time it is.

"I'm sorry if I've kept you up. I guess-I should go now-"

"Wanna meet here again tomorrow?" you say.

"Uh-s-sure-" Morro's cheeks turned bright red. He cleared his throat and stuttered out, "I-I'd l-love to."

"Okay. See you at 10PM!" you say before skipping off. You REALLY hate to admit it, but Morro is kind of...cute.


You are sitting on a pier in the City of Stiix. You look up at the sunset, as the sun slowly sinks into the ocean horizon. You've been told that Stiix gets a fantastic view of the sunset, but you never expected it to be this breathtaking. You then hear a voice from behind you.

"Um...excuse me...?" The voice sounds shy, and you turn around to find someone standing behind you. He can't've been much older than you, his eye sparkles a bright magenta in the glistening sunlight. His hair is a ginger color, and he wears a cyan sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a red hat. He appears to be missing an eye, and he has an orangish-red eyepatch to cover it. Where his eye should be, there is a black circle. "Mind if I join y-you?" He swallows hard.

"Uh...yeah, sure. Why not," you say.

"Thanks," he says. He then holds out his hand. "Ronin," he introduces himself.

"Y/N," you say before shaking his hand.

Ronin sits down next to you, as you both watch the sunset. You pray that no one is looking, or else they might think you two are together. Although, you think to yourself, is that a bad thing? You think Ronin is really nice, he shows you manners, and kindness. When the sunset is over, you turn to Ronin.


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Is this the first time you've seen the sunset?"

"Yes, actually. Or at least from Stiix, which is ironic since I live here."

You then decide to keep fueling the conversation. "I've never seen it before, either. My friends keep telling me to sit down and watch it, but only now do I get the chance."

"Funny. Same thing goes for me."

You then decide to ask, "Do you wanna meet here again tomorrow?"

"Uh-s-sure-I-I, uh-" you can't help but notice the red blush on his face.

"Okay," you tell him. "See you tomorrow at sunset."

Soul Archer

You were walking through the park one day in mid-spring. The cool breeze blew throughout the meadow, causing the water in the pond to ripple. You are sitting on a bench under the shade of an apple tree, when suddenly an arrow flies over your head and hits the apple directly above you. You are startled by this.

"Hey! Watch it!" you yell. Suddenly, a tall...ghost? standing in front of you, his bow in hand.

"My dearest apologies, miss," he says in a rather soothing voice. You can't help but notice his dark blue hoodie, his deep violet eyes, and his dark blue ninja mask, that appears to be slightly withered. When he pulls his mask off, his face is scarred, but sort of...cute. You two are locked in each other's gaze for a few moments, but then you stand up and retrieve his arrow for him. You also hand him the apple he shot.

"You keep it," he says. He hands the apple back to you, along with a neatly folded piece of paper. The ghost leaves, and you open up the paper. Inside was a name, and a phone number:

Soul Archer

1-555-585-4754 (obviously not a real number so don't try calling, XD)

Curious, you kept the paper, and when you got home later, you just couldn't stop thinking about this "Soul Archer."


You were going to the local bookstore to buy the next book in (Your Favorite Book Series (Y/F/B/S)). You were really excited, so excited that you forgot to watch where you were going. You accidentally ran into a boy about your age. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie and blue jeans, and had bandages all over his face, but clearly visible deep blue eyes. Your gazes met for a moment, and he quickly apologized.

"I'm really sorry, I-I should've been a bit more careful of-"

"It's okay, I was the one not paying attention," you said kindly. "I'm Y/N."

"Wrayth," he said. He shook your hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too." You smiled. "Wanna meet me at the library tomorrow at 2? My friend was supposed to meet me there, but she cancelled last minute."

"Of course! I'd love to." Wrayth quickly got out a piece of paper and jotted down a number. "Here's my number in case you wanna call me."

You took the paper out of his hand, and put it in your pocket. "Thanks!" you said to him. Wrayth smiled. You felt a light blush cross your face, and tried your best to hide it. Maybe running into Wrayth was a good thing. As you leave, you can't get him out of your mind.

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