Five - When He Catches You Drawing Something...

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(A/N: Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else. But I HAD to update. This is the best I could do, so enjoy!:))


You let Morro sleep over at your house that night. You let him use your sleeping bag to sleep at the foot of your bed. While Morro fell asleep quickly, you can't fall asleep for some reason. You decide to draw to pass the time. You end up drawing you and Morro passionately kissing, with the moon shining bright in the sky, it's light illuminating the meadow.

"Wow..." someone whispers from behind you.

"Woah, what?!" You jerk around to find Morro, awake, admiring your artwork. "I thought you were asleep..."

"I was," he responds, "but then I woke up to the sound of colored pencils scratching against the surface of paper."

"Oh..." you look down at your paper. "Sorry." You can't help but giggle a bit.

"That's alright," Morro says. He then says, "You are a really good artist, Y/N."

You smile at this. "Thanks," you say, blushing. You turn back around to face Morro. He pulls you in for a kiss, and you kiss him back. You end up gasping for breath. He then goes to the other side of the bed, faces you, and kisses you again. You once again kiss him back. You can feel his arms wrap around your waist, and you wrap yours around his neck. When you let go, your arms are still around each other. You and Morro lay down together, arms still holding each other tight, and fall asleep.


You call mom, and she lets you stay over at Ronin's for the night. Ronin seems very happy with this, and so are you. You brought your sketchbook with you, and decided to draw while Ronin was watching TV. You ended up drawing you and Ronin, your head laying against his shoulder, his arm around you, on the pier at Stiix where you two watch the sunset. You turn your head to find Ronin watching over your shoulder.

"Keep drawing," he says. "You're really good."

"Thanks," you say, then proceed to finish drawing. Ronin puts his arm around you, and you lay your head on his shoulder. You get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, no different from the one you get each time you're around Ronin. If you were a cat, you'd be purring like crazy right now (idk XD). Words can't describe how much you love Ronin.

"I love you," you say.

"I love you too," he says. "As if we didn't already know."

"Yeah," you laugh. "You're the best."

"No need for flattery, I'll always love you just the same," Ronin says.

You smile. You feel an overdose of fuzz and joy.

Soul Archer

Soul Archer is staying over at your house for the night. You're happy about this, especially since you get to be away from Ghoultar. Soul Archer is more happy about this than you. All you two want is a bit of time together. Soul Archer went to grab something to eat, so you pull out your sketchbook and start drawing. You draw you and Soul Archer from the day you met; under an apple tree in the park, the sun shining brightly. When Soul Archer comes back, he sees your drawing and smiles.

"Wow, you're a good artist," he compliments.

"Why, thank you!" You smile and look into his eyes.

Soul Archer smiles and kisses you on the forehead. You bring him in closer, caress his face, and kiss him. It feels so good to have your lips touch with his, you sometimes forget where you are or what you're doing, as if the whole world disappears, and it's just the universe around you and Soul Archer. You love him and he loves you. Who cares if he's a ghost? He's perfect.

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