Eight - When He (Finally) Asks You Out

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(A/N: I got this idea from my good friend, MayaWalkerJayLover. Thanks!)


Morro has been acting all twitchy lately, particularly around you. You take him for a walk in the park to see if you can find out what's wrong.

"Are you okay?" you ask him.

"Uh-y-yeah, I-I'm fine."

"Really, cuz you don't seem like you're fine," you say.

"Trust me, I'm okay," Morro says.

You look Morro in the eye and can see that something's wrong. You put your arms around his neck and kiss him. He kisses you back, putting his arms around your waist.

When you both pull back for air, you ask, "So what's wrong?"

"I really really really want something, but I'm afraid to ask."

"Just ask. There's nothing more you can do."

Morro takes a deep breath, and says, "Y/N-will-you-go-out-with-me?" He then looks down, glancing up on occasion, and blushing like mad.

You tell him to look you in the eye. You then give him your answer: "Yes, I'd love to!"

Morro seems utterly shocked, and you kiss him on the lips. He immediately kisses you back, and when you pull back for air, he says shyly, "Yay!"


You and Ronin are really close. You tell each other everything, ask each other anything, and kiss each other anytime. But one day, it seems like Ronin won't tell you something. Or ask.

"Ronin, is there anything on your mind?"

"Uh,-y-yeah, I-I mean no."

"Ronin," you half-say, half-ask.

"W-well, y-you see, I um, I-I, uh, I—I'm not ready to say."

"Sure you are! You can tell me anything."

"Uh, well, I, uh—Y/N—um...I uh—Will you go out with me?"

"Duh! I was waiting for you to ask!"

"Really?" Ronin seems shocked. "Y-you will?!"

"Of course!" you say cheerfully.

"Thanks," Ronin says. "It means a lot to me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," you say.

Soul Archer

You and Soul Archer had agreed to meet at the park. When you arrive, you see an arrow embedded in a tree. You approach it and find a note from Soul Archer:


I'm sorry I can't meet you here, but I'm going to meet my cousin Hackler today, and I'll be gone all day. I'm really sorry, I got the memo at the last minute, and I regret missing every single moment to be with you. But before I end this note, I must ask you a question that I do NOT have the guts to ask in person.

You wanna go out on a date?

—Soul Archer

You sigh. Maybe he doesn't have the guts to ask in person, but you have the guts to answer him. Not in person, but over the phone is the next best thing. You dial Soul Archer and wait for him to pick up.

(Da convo)

Soul Archer: Hello?

You: Hi. It's me. (A/N: XD FNAF)

Soul Archer: Y/N! Uh-I-I, um, uh...d-did you get the note?

You: Yeah. Don't feel sorry though—"

Soul Archer: I was more nervous about that last question...

You: Yes.

Soul Archer: What?

You: Yes I will go out with you.

Soul Archer: R-really? Y-you will?

You: Of course! Why wouldn't I?

Soul Archer: Okay then! Uh, I gotta go now. Ghoultar's being a big baby again.

You laugh at this.

You: Alright then. See you later!

Soul Archer: Bye!

You hang up. You are going out on a date with the most amazing boyfriend ever!

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