Wolfin' Attack

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As the conversation with the Marshal wrapped up, Colet and Maloi exchanged glances filled with unspoken excitement. "Let's go check out Wolfin' Attack up close!" Colet suggested, practically bouncing on her feet.

Maloi chuckled and nodded, "Lead the way, Captain." They made their way over to the hulking green Jaeger, the atmosphere buzzing with activity as workers continued to make adjustments and preparations.

Once they reached Wolfin' Attack, Colet's eyes widened in awe. "Look at the size of this thing! I can't believe we're going to pilot it!" She reached out and ran her fingers along the smooth surface of the Jaeger's arm, her enthusiasm palpable. "Just imagine all the power we're going to have at our fingertips!"

Maloi leaned against the foot frame of the massive Jaeger, a smile gracing her lips as she watched her wife's excitement. "I've never seen you so pumped up about a machine before," she teased, a playful glint in her eye. "You're practically glowing."

Colet laughed, her gaze still fixated on Wolfin' Attack. "It's just... this is such a huge step for us! After everything we've been through, and now we get to be at the forefront of the fight against the Kaiju. It's exhilarating!" She took a deep breath, soaking in the moment. "Plus, the upgrades sound incredible. A taser punch? That's going to be insane in battle!"

Maloi straightened up and joined Colet by the Jaeger's side. "You're right. And think about the moves we can pull off together! The Heavy Wolf Blow with the electricity... we'll be unstoppable." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she imagined the potential of their partnership in the cockpit.

The two stood side by side, their hands resting on Wolfin' Attack, reveling in the camaraderie and connection they felt not just with each other but with the Jaeger itself.

Colet turned to Maloi, her expression becoming more serious. "You know, I've always dreamed of piloting a Mark 3. I didn't think it would happen so soon, especially after everything we've faced at Bataan. It feels like a second chance."

Maloi nodded, understanding the weight of Colet's words. "It is a second chance. And we'll make the most of it. This Jaeger is a symbol of our resilience, and we owe it to ourselves and to everyone we've fought alongside to honor that."

Colet smiled, a sense of determination washing over her. "You're right. We've got a new mission, and I'm not going to let anything stand in our way. We'll train hard and be ready for whatever comes next."

Maloi leaned in closer, her voice softening. "And remember, I'll be right by your side, no matter what. We're a team, both in and out of the cockpit."

Colet's heart swelled with gratitude, and she reached for Maloi's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Always."

As they shared a moment of quiet understanding, the hum of activity in the Jaeger Bay continued around them, a reminder of the challenges and victories that lay ahead. Together, they were ready to face whatever the future held.

As Colet and Maloi admired Wolfin' Attack, a worker approached them with a set of schematics in hand. He looked both excited and eager to share the details. "Here are the schematics for Wolfin' Attack, ladies," he said, handing over the documents. "You'll want to familiarize yourselves with this before you start piloting."

Colet eagerly took the schematics and unfolded them, her eyes widening as she scanned the specifications. "Wow, look at this!" she exclaimed, pointing to the first section.

"Jaeger Model: Mark III 'Wolfin' Attack'," she read aloud, her enthusiasm infectious. "This is incredible! It's a Heavy Assault Jaeger designed for close-quarters combat and defensive operations."

Maloi leaned in closer, her gaze fixed on the impressive details. "It's 75 meters tall and weighs 2,800 tons. That's a serious piece of machinery!"

The worker nodded, clearly pleased with their reaction. "And the power source is optimized for short bursts during combat, perfect for those heavy hits."

Colet flipped through the pages, stopping at the armor specifications. "Reinforced Tungsten-Carbon Alloy Plating? This thing is practically a fortress!"

Maloi chuckled, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "Perfect for someone as bold as you, Colet. Tank-like armor to match your personality!"

Colet rolled her eyes playfully but continued, undeterred. "Look at this! It even has a loud, deep horn designed to intimidate Kaiju. This will definitely make an impression!" She mimicked the sound of the loud, deep, horn, adding dramatic flair. "Hooooonnnk!"

Maloi laughed, shaking her head. "You're going to scare them silly before we even land a punch!"

The worker chimed in, "That horn has a practical purpose too! It can signal allies during critical moments, so it's not just for show."

Colet nodded enthusiastically. "And these fists—mechanically enhanced with pistons and springs? That's going to give us serious impact power!"

Maloi leaned over to read more closely. "I can't believe the specifications for the Heavy Wolf Blow. An uppercut that uses hydraulic springs? This Jaeger is going to deliver some brutal punches!"

Colet's eyes sparkled as she read on. "And it's fitted with electricity to stun Kaiju! This is going to be so much fun in battle."

"I can already see you pulling off that move," Maloi said, her tone teasing yet affectionate. "You'll be a whirlwind of punches and sparks."

Colet beamed at Maloi, then looked back at the schematics, absorbing the details of their new Jaeger. "With all these features, we're going to need to train hard. But I know we can handle it together."

Maloi wrapped her arm around Colet's shoulders, squeezing her affectionately. "With the power of Wolfin' Attack on our side, we'll be unstoppable. I can't wait to see it in action!"

The worker smiled, clearly impressed by their enthusiasm. "You'll be a great team. If you have any questions about the Jaeger or need assistance during training, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you!" Colet replied, her excitement barely contained. "We will!"

As the worker stepped away, Colet and Maloi took one last look at the schematics. The thrill of their upcoming adventure filled the air, blending with the anticipation of what lay ahead.

"I can't wait for our first training session," Colet said, her voice filled with determination. "We're going to show everyone what we're made of!"

Maloi grinned, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "And if we break a few walls along the way, it just means we're getting warmed up."

With that, the two women shared a laugh, their hearts brimming with excitement as they prepared for the new chapter in their lives as Jaeger pilots.

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