A Friend Returns

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As Mikha navigated the bustling corridors of the Romblon Shatterdome, her mind racing with thoughts of her new responsibilities, a voice suddenly broke through the din.


Startled, she turned to see a familiar face—Ate Colet, her best friend from her early days in the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps. The sight of her friend brought a rush of warmth to Mikha's chest. Without thinking, she ran forward and wrapped her arms around Colet, feeling an overwhelming wave of relief and nostalgia.

"It's so good to see you!" Mikha exclaimed, pulling back to look at Colet's face, which lit up with a smile.

"Likewise!" Colet replied, her eyes shining with genuine happiness. "How are you holding up?"

Before Mikha could respond, Colet gestured toward a woman standing beside her. "I want you to meet my wife, Maloi. She's also a Jaeger pilot."

Mikha's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to Maloi, who offered a warm smile. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mikha. Colet talks about you all the time," she said, her voice friendly and inviting.

"Nice to meet you too!" Mikha replied, feeling a sudden warmth envelop her. "I've heard so much about you. Colet wouldn't stop raving about your skills in the cockpit!"

Colet chuckled, then turned serious. "So, what brings you to the Shatterdome? Last I heard, you were still out there fighting the good fight with Enzo."

Mikha's smile faltered slightly, memories of the battle flooding back. "I am... but things have changed. Enzo just got honorably discharged, and I've been put on hold from piloting. They want me to head the training department for now."

Colet's expression softened, understanding the weight of those words. "I'm sorry to hear that. You two made a great team."

"Yeah, we did." Mikha paused, taking a deep breath as she tried to push aside the sadness. "But enough about me! What about you? What are you doing here?"

Colet's face lit up with excitement as she explained, "Well, After the Bataan Shatterdome was shut down, my Marshal decided to return me here. I'm finally back at my home base!" She paused, glancing at Maloi, who nodded encouragingly. "And I couldn't be happier to be back where I belong, especially with my wife by my side."

"That's amazing!" Mikha said, genuinely thrilled for her friend. "You must have so many stories to share!"

"Absolutely! And I want to hear all about your new role too," Colet said. "I can't believe you'll be training the next generation of pilots! You'll be a great leader, Mikha."

Mikha felt a surge of pride at Colet's words, but it was mixed with the weight of the changes in her life. "I hope I can live up to that. It's a lot of responsibility."

"Of course you will! We're all rooting for you," Maloi chimed in, her voice filled with encouragement. "You've faced down Kaiju and lived to tell the tale. You've got this."

As they continued to chat, Mikha felt the burden on her shoulders lighten just a bit. It was comforting to have her friends back in her life, especially as she transitioned into this new phase of her career.

"Let's grab some coffee and catch up properly," Colet suggested, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I want to hear everything."

Mikha smiled, grateful for the distraction and the support. "Sounds perfect. I could use some coffee after everything that's happened."

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