Mission priority: secure Liara T'Soni

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Joker: This is your captain speaking please brace as we make a quick stop as we approach the plant surface.

The Normandy got close to the surface as the door to the ship opened, launching out a nomad.

As y/n and garrus sat down in the nomad they felt as if they were slightly floating.

It only lasted a couple of seconds before they fell back down.

Y/n: alright so what's the mission again?

Garrus: It's only been a few minutes since we discussed it.

Shepard: it is fine garrus. This mission is to locate and secure Liara T'Soni. She is well versed in Prothean technology.

Shepard was at the front of the nomad driving the vehicle.

Shepard: Can one of you get on the gun? The sensors are picking up some geth.

Y/n looked at gurrus who was doing the same.

Y/n: ladies first

He moved his hand, showing he was offering the controls to him.

He lets out a scoff at his response.

Garrus: No, No I insist you could use the experience. I don't want you to get me killed out there accidentally.

Shepard: I don't care who does just pick one I can see the geth now right in the front of our fucking way.

They looked at each other and started to do rock paper scissors.

Shepard: you got to be fucking me come on you two

Y/n: don't threaten me with a good time

He flicks his figures pointing at her. She just shakes her head trying to hide the small blush from his comment and looking back at the road.

Y/n: come on garrus you have the better shot plus I got something in mind.

Garrus: fine then if you insist. What are you going to do then?

Y/n looks at his belt, opens one of his pockets, and takes out a tethered rope.

He would use these when going down buildings.

He walked over and opened the hatch on top of the vehicle.

Shepard: woah what the hell are you doing?

He turned to her with a grin.

Y/n: I'm about to have some fun.

He climbed through the hatch, the surroundings passing by in a blur. He looked ahead quickly ducking down as the vehicle shield took the hit.

He buckled the rope to the last bar of the ladder and then got out of the vehicle.

He grabbed hold of the nomad gun as they were coming online.

He pulled out his sniper and put a disruptive round into the gun. He hit his comms on the side of his ear.

Y/n: I'll shoot them with a disruptor garrus shoot the one I shoot after so their shield will be down. Commander, can you tell me any that you see? I can't get a view of the others.

Shepard: got it.

Garrus: Let's show them how it is.

Y/n aimed and shot a bullet it went and hit one of the geth. When the shield fell down the giant gun let up and started blasting bullets at the ground killing it.

Shepard had to make a quick turn y/n almost fell off of the nomad.

Shepard: Y/n three in front.

Y/n: got it don't worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2024 ⏰

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