Securing the informant

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Y/n walked over to the Doctor. Archangel was already next to her.

Archangel: Are you alright Dr. Michel, Are you hurt?

Dr. Michel: No you made it just in time thank you both.

Y/n looked at the thug member wondering why they were here.

Y/n: Do you know why they were after you, Dr. Michel?

Dr. Michel: They were trying to stop me from giving this information to Garrus here.

Y/n looks at Archangel with him returning the same look.

Archangel: Well there is no use in hiding it now.

He shrugged his shoulders as y/n looked not impressed. Maybe it was the feeling that he gave that he was not like how he looked.

However, y/n looked back towards the doctor.

Y/n: What kind of information do you have doctor?

She looked at Garrus and he nodded to tell them what she knew.

Dr. Michel: A couple of days ago a quarian came in here. She was injured by somebody she was scared of something. As much as I wanted to tell C-sec she told me not to.

Dr. Michel: She was asking about the shadow broker She had information on something about a specter

Y/n: saren...

Dr. Michel: I believe that name did come up so yes. She wanted a safe place to hide this information from him

Y/n: Do you know where we can find her now?

Dr. Michel: I told her about fist he is his agent.

Garrus: he is not with the shadow broker anymore. He works for Saren.

Dr. Michel: He betrayed the shadow broker? That's just stupid even for him.

Y/n: Well when a good offer comes up it is hard to deny it.

Dr. Michel: Still that's idiotic for him.

Garrus: Still that quarian must have something that could....

They both looked at each other realizing that this was their chance at what they were after.

Y/n & garrus: expose him

Y/n: shit if she is on her way to meet with him.

Garrus: That means we are running out of time.

Y/n: Come on Garrus we need to get back to the bar.

Garrus: agree we can't let them get the quarian.

They both head out of the room with y/n thanking the doctor on his way out.

They both were heading back the way they came. Y/n pushed some stuff on his Omni tool. His earpiece starts to ring like a phone.

Someone finally answered after a couple of seconds.

Y/n: Anderson

Anderson: y/n good to hear from you, my boy. Do you have any news?

Y/n: I got a main lead on information that could expose Saren.

Anderson: That's great news then y/n.

Y/n: As good as that sounds I got bad news I'm close to losing it any minute.

Anderson: Don't lose it y/n we need that information. We just arrived at the citadel not long ago. Where are you?

Y/n: I'm currently on the lower level of the tower heading to that Chora's Den near the entrance to the tower.

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