1 : here we are

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my name is remi.

that was the only thing that i could remember when i first arrived in the glade, a small enclosed area full of greenery and smack in the middle of a maze.

when you first come here, you feel like you're in a dream, not in reality. that could be because you can't remember anything, absolutely nothing but your name and common sense. it's weird at first, but you get used to it.

just like everyone else has.

the glade is not something to play around with; people can get hurt if you do, and everyone must work together. that is our first rule: you have to help one another, no slacking. everyone is in this together.

second rule, never go into the maze, not unless you are a runner. it's not safe, and especially if you are a runner, always come back to the glade before nightfall; otherwise, you will be stuck in there, and trust me when i say that you will never come back out. no one has ever survived a night in the maze.

third rule, never hurt another glader; everyone is trying to help one another. we can't do this alone, and if we break this rule, everything will fall apart. you must learn to be friends with one another; this is crucial.

fourth and last rule, you must listen to the rules that are set in place; without them, we are complete chaos. these rules are the only thing keeping the place from falling apart; this is the biggest rule of them all.

as you can see, we gladers don't joke around; lives are on the line every day, and there is only one way of living with what is going on in our lives every second of every day. we are gladers; it's our born duty. do we know why? no, we don't, and whoever put us in here can go to hell, because we sure as fuck can survive.

today is a special day; we are going to be having a bonfire party. today marks the third-year anniversary of when we were first put into this place, and i'm not surprised that we have made it as far as we have.

you see, when i first arrived here, it was horrible. about as horrible as you could imagine it to be. no food, no water, shelter, nothing. absolutely nothing. and that was the hardest year of my life. but as more people started arriving, i saw a vision—one where we could actually get through this. it would take a lot of work, and my gosh, it took so much work, but we are what we are today.

my fellow gladers are all boys; i'm the only girl, but i don't mind. they've become like family to me.

my two best friends, newt and gally, are everything to me. i have no idea what i would do without them, and to be honest, i don't think that they could live without me either.

my other friends are a part of it too; you have minho, alby, chuck, frypan, jeff, clint, ben, zart, amit, marlie, jack, and tucker. all boys and all my family, if you want to say that.

i hope nothing changes, and i truly hope that the people who run this hell show realize that they've only made life easier to tackle by giving us a place to learn from our mistakes and gain strength.

they've only made a big mistake, because when we figure out how to get out of here, they are going to wish that they'd never started this in the beginning.

until then though.

here we are. 


hey guys! 

i hope you like the first chapter. 

ik its a lot of info and i really shouldn't start a book like that, but i felt like it would make writing a lot easier if you already knew the most of it. 

drink water today, okay?

A Silent Echo // Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now