Chapter 32 | Jellyfish Sting

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"So what's the big emergency?" Isobelle asked John B sliding the door of the Twinkie.

 "Oh, hi Sarah," Isobelle added after realizing she was sitting in the passenger seat. Sarah smiled back politely, feeling guilty after what had happened yesterday.

"Well, I may have a teensy bit, kinda possibly maybe....." John B began.

"Get to the point John B," Isobelle interrupted, suspicious that nothing important actually happened.

"Ok, look, after everything that happened yesterday, we thought that you could use a distraction," he explained.

"A distraction...." Isobelle repeated, unsure what her friend had roped her into.

"Yeah, just a chill relaxing day on the boat, nothing too fancy," John B explained.

"So it's not going to be an ambush, you're not going to surprise me with two other people I really do not want to see right now?" 

"Nope, just us three, " John B reassured the girl before starting the engine and heading towards his house. 

"Trust me I wouldn't be going if Kiara was there," Sarah added looking back at the girl. Isobelle began to wonder what happened after she had left, clearly Sarah and Kiara didn't make amends or magically become best friends. Looking at the way Sarah's face reacted when she even said the girl's name told her more than she needed to know.

"Okay I'll get the boat started can you girls go put the supplies in the cabin," John B instructed as they hoped onto the boat.

"Sure thing Captain," Isobelle said saluting the boy sarcastically before opening the door to the underground cabin, closely followed by Sarah who seemed to be more quiet than usual, well at least from the times Isobelle had been around her.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" the girl asked, anxiously rubbing her nails together.

"Uh, yeah, go for it," Isobelle said as she placed their supplies down, facing her.

"Look I just wanted to apologise about what happened yesterday. I was a total bitch for blurting that out even though I knew it would hurt your feelings. I was just so pissed off with Kiara that I wanted to get back at her, but at the time I didn't think about how it would make you feel, especially in front of everyone. I was out of line."

"Honestly I was glad you told me, I might not have been at the time, but I'd rather know now before things got too far. But thanks for the apology," Isobelle replied with a small smile.

"Oh, thank god, I felt so bad. I'm here if you ever want to talk about anything."

"Thanks, I'll definitely be holding you to that," Isobelle joked, "Listen, I've never seen John B this happy before, I think you're good for each other if it means anything."

"Thanks, I really really like him and I would never do anything to purposely hurt him."

Suddenly loud running footsteps were heard above them.

"Hey did you hear that?" Isobelle asked the girl.

"Yeah," Sarah said, her eyebrows raised together in confusion. For a second the two girls just blankly looked at each other for a second before going towards the cabin door.

"Shit, we're locked in," Isobelle said trying to open the handle, but it wouldn't budge.

"John B!" the girls both screamed slamming on the door. "Let us out!"

Suddenly the door was opened, and instant relief fell over Isobelle's body until she realized who had opened the door, Kiara.

"What?" Sarah said as she hoped out first. Isobelle decided to stay silent, clearly wasn't ready to face her so-called best friend who had lied to her less than 24 hours ago.

"Guys!" Kiara yelled as she ran over to the side of the boat. Isobelle could see Pope, John B and JJ all driving away laughing. Great yet another person she did not want to see. Could her day get any worse? Oh wait, it did, she later found out the engine of the boat was broken, most likely thanks to JJ.

"Get your asses back here!" Kiara yelled at the boys.

"We can't, not until you guys figure it out," John B replied.

"John B you are a dead man!" Isobelle yelled, what happened to just the three of us, what bullshit. Now she was stuck on a boat with one of the two people she hated most right now.

"You can't just leave," Sarah added.

"There's food in the cabin, and JJ rolled a blunt," Pope reassured them, pointing his thumbs up.

"Hyrdorponic!" JJ added. Isobelle didn't even dare to look at the boy.

"This is ridiculous," Sarah said as she began to take her shoes and clothes off, leaving her bikini underneath. 

"Well, I would rather drown than stay here with Sarah, so..." Kiara said as she also stripped down to her bikini. Isobelle decided to do the same, she couldn't bear the thought of being stranded on a boat with Kiara and listening to the drama between her and Sarah.

"Fine, be my guest. Maybe you'll finally shut the hell up," Sarah replied.

"You don't even know where you're going," Kiara stated.

"I'll show her," Isobelle said bluntly.

"Oh, I see you've already found my replacement," Kiara said motioning towards Sarah.

"Yeah well at least she didn't sleep with my boyfriend and then continue to lie to me about it," Isobelle argued. She noticed for a second, that Kiara's facial expressions changed, feeling taken aback by her friend's words. 

"Wait Sarah," Isobelle said as the girl immediately dove into the lake, not knowing the area she dove into is prone to jellyfish. 

"Goodluck with the oyster beds," Kiara added sarcastically as she removed her denim shorts. The boys began to drive off before Sarah managed to get to them.

"Wait! Wait! John B you asshole!" Sarah yelled from the water.

"They're not coming back for you!" Kiara stated.

Suddenly Sarah squealed and her head went under water.

"Sarah!" Isobelle said as she dove into the water. Kiara just stood on the boat.

"I got stung by a jellyfish, shit!" the blonde said as she continued to bop on the water.

"Hey, I've got you," Isobelle reassured her as she neared the girl managing to dodge any jellyfish that roamed in the water. She grabbed Sarah's arm securing it over her shoulder before helping her back over to the boat. Sarah sobbed as she stood on the ladder, looking down at the massive red burns that spread across her side.

"Well, you swam right into a man-o'war. I don't know what you thought would happen," Kiara said still standing on the deck of the boat.

"How was she supposed to know that," Isobelle questioned, giving the girl a dirty look.

"Yeah, thanks for your help," Sarah added sarcastically, standing up onto the boat, closely followed behind Isobelle.

"Ow!" the girl said hunching over before sitting down, leaning her back against the railing. "Hey, you know what they say...... about curing jellyfish stings?"

"No," Kiara said.

"One of you have to pee on me," Sarah said.

"Nope not me, I saved you in the water. I'll let my so-called best friend take this one," Isobelle said walking past Kiara, patting her on the back before heading to the front of the boat.

"I have a better idea," Kiara decided.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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