Chapter 26 | Midsummers Pt.2

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After JJ left, Isobelle finally managed to find Kie standing with her parents. 

"Hey Kie, I've been looking everywhere for you," she came up to the girl with a huge smile on her face, hugging her.

"Hey, what has gotten you in such a good mood," she said as Isobelle let go of her.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Carrera," Isobelle greeted with a polite smile on her face.

"Hi sweety, you look lovely tonight," Mrs Carrera replied, "We will leave you girls to it." The pair watched as both Kie's parents disappeared into the crowd.

"Okay so I have some huge news, wait, have you spoken to JJ yet tonight," Isobelle asked not trying to get too ahead of herself if Kie already knew about the gold.

"No, is he here?" Kie replied with a confused expression on her face.

"Yeah, and get this, he told me that he and John B worked out where the G-O-L-D is," Isobelle whispered.

"The what? I can't hear you over this music, speak a little louder," Kie.

"They found the G-O-L-D," Isobelle tried again a little louder but not too loud that anyone around them could hear.

"The what, just speak louder," Kie replied still not getting it. This made Isobelle slightly annoyed and caused her to blurt it out, a little too loud this time.

"The gold Kie, they found the gold, they know where it is," Isobelle yelled causing them to get a few looks, immediately after she said it she realized how loud she was talking, embarrassment fading over her giddy feels.

"No effing way! Oh my gosh, but how and when did they even work that out...." Kie began to ask excitement rushing over her.

"Hey, hey keep it down. Look all I know is that they know where it is and later they're going to explain everything."

"I can't believe it," Kie said until her facial expression turned into a curious one, "I think you smudged your lipstick," she said pointing to the girl's face.

"Wait, what," she said as she pulled out the compact mirror she always stored in her purse.

"Um, I must have smudged it on a glass," Isobelle tried to reason, guilt rushing over her. She wanted to tell Kie about what had happened with JJ, but not yet. She wanted to savor the moment they had for herself just a little while longer. Plus she didn't even know how JJ felt about it. 

"Even if you tried to smudge it, I don't think it could move so far away for your lip," Kie said with a look of suspicion on her face. Why was her best friend lying to her? Unless...... "No, have you been macking on someone?" Kie asked with a surprised look on her face. She didn't need an answer though, Isobelle's face explained it. The guilt was so visible even a blind person could see it, her cheeks blushing profusely. 

"Oh my gosh, yes, I knew it!"

"It's no big deal...." Isobelle began to explain until she got cut off.

"Who, what, when, where, why!?! Gurl I need all the details," Kie remarked, excited as ever.

"Look you can't tell anyone. I'm not sure how the guy feels about it let alone how I feel." 

"I promise. Pinky promise, look," Kie promised as she stuck her pinky out.

"Okay," Isobelle said locking her pinky with Kie's as they both kissed their thumbs before unlocking them. It was something they had done ever since they were little, a tradition. 

"Now, spill!"

"I kissed, JJ," Isobelle confessed.

"Aww, I knew it," she replied not looking too surprised.

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