Chapter 22 - Homecoming Part 2

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Chapter 22 - Homecoming Part 2

Then and there I see him, I see Joey walk into the gym, alone. Did Melissa ditch him or did he cancel on her?

I don't want to go up to him... well I do but I understand what my job is. I'm here to watch, not interact. If he decides he wants to talk to me, he can, but for now I'll just be here.....observing.

Honestly I hope he just doesn't notice me over here. The worst thing he can do is introduce me to the Melissa girl. She probably doesn't even know I exist.

A/N: Wow how the tables have turned, Melissa...Y/N #1 is not the nobody, the 'not like other girls' girl, she's the rival and she doesn't even know it.

Joey looks around for a while and I'm guessing he's looking for someone to talk to. It's not Joey unless he's yapping away at someone's ears. When he doesn't see anyone (damn am I really that invisible?) he walks to grab a drink from the snack bar and just when I think he's coming over to talk to me, cause he does that thing where he waves and smiles in the most dramatic way possible, he walks to the people to my right. What the fuck sunshine did you get blinded on the way here or something?

He jumps up in the bleachers and the closer he gets to the people, the more I recognize them. It's August and.....a nerd? Is that August's date? She doesn't look like she wants to be there honestly. Joey is totally third wheeling right now.

I get bored since the whole time I don't really see anything happening other than August and Joey just talking for a while so I decide to look around a bit more, one can never be too careful...I see Chad walking away from Heather, they decided to change the music to fuck around I see. I hate that a meme love song is what I have to listen to while I brood. The irony hurts.

The second I turn to my right to check on Joey and August, I realize Joey isn't there anymore. Fuck. I start franticly looking around. How did I loss him so fast, god I'd be a shitty mom if this is how easy I can lose a tall ass dude in a barely filled gym.

In the middle of my distress even more shit starts happening. A fight breaks out near the end of the bleachers, and I think its over Heather cause hse in the dead middle of it. August and that girl from earlier aren't to my right anymore, I watch them split up to go to two different sides of the gym. August goes straight to the brawl and the other girl goes to one of the exits, I guess she's going to find someone too. But wheres Joey? Whatever I'll go help August, they poor guy looks like he needs it. He's like half a foot shorter than all the guys fighting down there.

Right when I say that, he shoves a guy to the side and with a bit of luck he grabbed Heathers hand and pulled her out of the crowd and brigs her to the exit. Way to make an impression on a girl cause she looks utterly in love with him from where I'm standing. Either that or she's about to cry, I'm not really sure.


Then I hear it. The voice of Chris Swanson. The guy with the biggest stick up his ass in the school. Even worse, he's not just getting in any rando's face. He's getting in Joey's face. Something real weird is going on cause behind Joey is a...really short girl in a purple dress. She's trembling like a damn leaf in the wind. Like a rat in the that got covered in glitter. I wonder what started the argument in the first place.

"Step away from her you asswipe, she's mine." What in the fucking romance book is this? Are they just metaphorically comparing dick sizes right now? What is this?

"No, I'm not going to let you just take whatever you want Chris..." Joey starts getting real up in his face. As funny is this is, I don't want them to start physically fighting though.

"Get the fuck out of my way Joey!" Before I could even get down the bleachers, the small girl was already stopping the fight.

"W-w-wait! D-d-don't do t-t-this, f-f-fighting I-is w-w-w-wrong!" Oh dear god you poor child, were you born like this? With this voice?

"P-p-please, n-n-no f-fighting. I-I-I-I h-h-hate t-to s-s-see y-y-you a-all l-l-l-like t-t-t-this." Oh no now she's just straight up crying. It's like watching a child try to stand up to her parents for the first time. But she does a good job since both of the guys clearly were fighting over her and she hates it. What a fucking world I live in.

After some awkward as fuck silence the girl runs off to the hallway exit. I walk down the bleachers more slowly now that the 'threat' is over.The guys do start bickering but less aggressive than before.

"-all your fault Chris you fucking scared her off with your loud voice. You know the stupid circumstance she's in because of your family and now you're claimign her like a damn wolf? Really?"

"This isn't even my problem my mom saw that I liked her and thought it was a good idea, how am I supposed to stop the woman. I can't even talk to Melissa without her shaking and shit." I decided to step in after hearing all this nonsense.

"Ok boys, tell me the details and we can work this out."

"Y/N! I barely recignized you I tried to look for you earlier but I guess you're outfit made you difficult to look for. You blend in with the darkness of the gym, its mysterious looking, it suits you."

"O-oh thanks I guess- anyways Tall ass number one and Tall ass bumber two sit with me, you are going to tell me what just happened and we are going to do this fairly alright. If any of you try punching even once, I'm lassoing you with my belt and dragging you out of the gym."

"My mom bought my crush from her abusive home and told her she would be my wife." Ok that a lot to unpack. "Everyone at the school learned about it when she got driven to school alone with me by my brother."

"I hate you, you're such an enabler."

"Look Joey, just because I don't want to deal with other people's issue it doesn't meen I enable."

"I don't care, you show enough that you don't either."
"Ok stop it, both of you. Answer me this: Who was that girl?"

"Melissa." They both answered at the same time and looked at each other in surprise and then disgust.

"Wait that's Melissa? The date?" I turned to Joey in shock. What the fuck man...this is kind of messed up. No this is really messed up if he doesn't give me the right answer right now.

"It's not like that. She's being bullied constantly and I just wanted her to have a friend. I like her a little but not the way Chris does." I turn the Tall ass number 1.

"You do understand this is really fucking weird you know? She's half your size, literally." He's gonna face some allegations if he gives me some stupid ass reason rght now.

"I feel like I can relate to her, she's seen as weird and people don't want to be friends with her and I guess I got attached from the sidelines. But I get defensive and shit becuase I don't know how to interact with her." Oh thats genuinely a good reason. I still think is really suspicious though that she looks like a 4th grader. "I've been near her for as long as I can remember, never close enough. I guess even now she sees me as a threat." Size difference aside, he has a good thing going for him.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but go for it. Go find her and profess your love or whatever." I wave him off and breathe a sigh of relief that Joey didn't actually ditch me completely and he just pitied her situation, which I just kinda improved by the way.

"Thanks I guess." Chris gets up and walks the direction Melissa went off to. This still is wack as hell but I'm just gonna focus on motherfuckin' Joey Jones right now. I turn back to him and I'm immediately blinded by his smile.

"Jesus, you're gonna kill my eyes someday. Do you know how much trouble you costed me sunshine?" Joey's face morphs into a pout.

"Wait what? What did I do?"

"You get threatened by a gang and you confuse the shit out of my feelings and you fight with Chris fucking Swanson over a girl you barely know and you keep adding more to my problems. GOD! Why did I fall in love with you?"

*Record scratch*

"You what?"

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