I can't breathe

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"You suffocate me.

Every flesh, every part, every bit of your soul
Your laughter that rings in my ears
They threaten to melt under the melody
Crawl beneath my skin.

You suffocate me.
Your jumbled thoughts sprayed across as words,
Then obliviousness to the key parts,
They breathe down this icy chilly breath down my weak throat
Till they can no longer hold themselves.

You suffocate me
Your small random brain jams,
Create those huge fights off butterflies
Fighting to escape my cage.

You suffocate me.
You're kindness hand in hand with your soul,
Woven with gold and silver and shimmers;
Fill themselves in my blood
Frozen, my blood, stuck to my skin
You suffocate me.

You're suffocating me,

Squeezing me to death,

The breathes running cold down my neck
My hearts squeezed frozen and pale
The butterflies that fight to death just for the need of love

Death never looked so pretty,
Life never so inviting,
Careful, as you suffocate me"

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