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So, I....?
Achieved freedom? At last?

At the mercy of their pressure,
At the cost of my life,
At the cost of a chance.

Was it worth it?
I did finally get to see,
What freedom they talked about
What they pitied that I'd never see
What they smirked at, with sweet poison in their mouths pointed at me
Their freedom
It was a dare for me to achieve
It was a death challenge for me to try
To get accepted, to find peace.

Well, it was sweet.

But I wonder to this day
And look down to my loved ones
The people of my kind
Would I had been happier?
If I chose my own definition of freedom?
Or even let any definition not bound what freedom could mean to me?

Not theirs.

I wish I didn't flew to my death
Just to look for freedom in those who made me suffer
I wish I looked for freedom where,
My loved ones stayed for me;
On the humble ground.

I wish I had never flown;
For those who didn't understand,
Flying wasn't freedom to me.
It was a cage I pushed myself into,
For them.

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