Chapter 4

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Elowen stood at the threshold of a new passage, the lingering vision of her grandmother still haunting her thoughts. The air in the labyrinth was heavier now, as though the ancient stone walls were pressing in on her, urging her forward. Each step she took was deliberate, her mind buzzing with the unanswered questions left in the wake of her grandmother's cryptic words. What was the cost? What did the labyrinth demand in return for its truths?

The tunnel ahead seemed to stretch infinitely, winding like the coils of a serpent, its path dimly lit by the flickering symbols etched into the walls. Unlike before, these symbols didn’t pulse or shift with the same energy she had felt earlier. Now, they felt dormant, as if waiting for her to uncover something yet unseen. There was an odd silence, the rhythmic hum of the labyrinth’s pulse now barely perceptible, like a whisper carried on a distant wind.

Elowen’s fingers brushed against the cool stone as she walked, her hand tracing the ancient carvings. She could feel the history embedded in the walls—the stories of those who had walked this path before her, their struggles, their triumphs, their losses. It was as though the labyrinth held every memory, every choice, bound within its twisting corridors, waiting for the right person to unlock them.

Her grandmother’s words echoed in her mind. “The labyrinth… it’s not just a place. It’s a test, a passage.” What test? What passage? And more importantly, what was she supposed to find at the end?

Suddenly, the floor beneath her feet shifted. Elowen gasped, stumbling as the ground seemed to ripple like water beneath her. The walls shuddered, the stone creaking as the path began to move, rearranging itself with a slow, grinding sound that reverberated through the tunnel. She steadied herself, heart pounding as the labyrinth reshaped itself around her.

The shifting passage was not entirely unexpected—her grandmother had warned her that the labyrinth was alive, constantly changing. But there was something different this time. The movement felt purposeful, deliberate, as though the labyrinth was guiding her, pushing her toward something it wanted her to see.

The grinding stopped, and Elowen found herself at the entrance to a new chamber. This one was vast, its ceiling arched high above, disappearing into the darkness. The walls were lined with intricate carvings, more elaborate than anything she had seen so far. In the center of the room stood a large stone table, its surface smooth and gleaming, as if polished by unseen hands.

She approached cautiously, her eyes drawn to the object that rested on the table—a map, or rather, a fragment of one. The parchment was yellowed with age, its edges frayed, but the lines drawn upon it were crisp and clear, tracing a path that wound through an unfamiliar landscape. Symbols were scrawled in the margins, indecipherable to her, but eerily reminiscent of the ones she had seen on the labyrinth’s walls.

Elowen hesitated, her pulse quickening as she reached out to touch the map. As soon as her fingers brushed the surface, the room around her changed.

The walls seemed to dissolve, replaced by an open landscape—a sprawling desert with dunes stretching endlessly in every direction. A cold wind swept across the sand, and the sky above was a pale, unforgiving gray. The air smelled of dust and ancient stone, and the only sound was the faint whisper of the wind as it swept through the dunes.

Elowen blinked, her heart racing. The map had come to life.

She stood at the edge of the vision, unsure whether it was a dream or something more tangible. The desert seemed real enough, but there was a strange detachment, as though she were merely an observer in this place. The map, she realized, was showing her a piece of the labyrinth she had yet to encounter.

A figure appeared on the horizon, distant and shrouded in the heat of the sun. Elowen squinted, trying to make out who—or what—it was, but the figure remained indistinct, moving slowly through the desert, its pace deliberate and unhurried.

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