Chapter 25

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The wind was soft against Elowen’s skin as she stood on the edge of the field, her hand still clasped in her grandmother’s. The serenity of the wildflowers and the golden light around her felt like a dream, a brief pause before the next step. Elowen’s heart swelled with peace, but deep within, she knew there was more to be done.

Her grandmother turned toward her, her eyes twinkling with that same knowing gaze that had always made Elowen feel understood, no matter how lost she had felt. "This is where your journey brings you back to the beginning, child. The labyrinth may have shown you the truth, but now, you must return."

Elowen frowned, unsure. "Return? But I thought—"

Her grandmother smiled softly, the warmth in her expression reassuring. "The labyrinth is within you, but the world outside still needs you, Elowen. You’ve learned the lessons, but now it’s time to apply them. The story isn’t finished yet."

The weight of her grandmother’s words settled in her chest, grounding her in the present moment. She had thought that crossing the final threshold in the labyrinth would be the end, that the peace she had found meant she could leave everything behind. But it wasn’t that simple. The world outside—her world—had been waiting for her. And she had to face it, stronger and more certain than before.

"But… what if I’m not ready?" Elowen whispered, her voice barely audible. The doubt that had once haunted her seemed distant now, but in the face of returning to reality, it began to resurface.

Her grandmother squeezed her hand gently, her smile never wavering. "You are ready. The labyrinth wouldn’t have let you leave if you weren’t. You’ve faced your fears, and now, you must trust yourself to walk the path ahead."

Elowen stared out at the field, the golden flowers swaying gently in the breeze. The beauty and calm of this place felt like a refuge, and the idea of leaving it behind filled her with a sense of loss. But her grandmother was right. She couldn’t stay here forever, no matter how peaceful it was. Life—real life—was waiting for her.

Taking a deep breath, Elowen turned to face her grandmother once more. "What do I have to do?"

Her grandmother’s eyes sparkled with pride. "You already know the answer, child. Follow your heart. Let it guide you, as it always has. The rest will fall into place."

With that, her grandmother slowly began to fade, her figure dissolving into the golden light around them. Elowen’s breath hitched, a lump forming in her throat as she watched her grandmother disappear, but she didn’t try to hold on. She knew now that her grandmother would never truly be gone. She was with her always, just as the labyrinth was.

And then, with a final sigh of the wind, her grandmother was gone, leaving Elowen standing alone in the field.

But she wasn’t truly alone. Not anymore.

The key to the labyrinth still hung around her neck, warm against her skin, and the book—the one her grandmother had given her at the start of this journey—was tucked safely under her arm. These were her anchors, her reminders of everything she had faced and everything she had learned.

Taking one last look at the golden field, Elowen turned away from the light and began walking, her steps slow but steady. The landscape around her began to shift, the field dissolving into mist as the familiar walls of the labyrinth reappeared. But this time, there was no fear, no confusion. Elowen knew where she was going.

As the mist cleared, she found herself standing at the entrance to the labyrinth once more, the heavy stone door looming before her. The intricate carvings on its surface, the same ones that had seemed so mysterious and impenetrable when she had first arrived, now seemed familiar, almost comforting.

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