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Nayeon was looking at the drawings Chaeyoung had made in kindergarten, while fiddling with the ring on her finger. She didn't remember much about Jennie's birthday, she just knew that her ring had suddenly disappeared and she had found it in her bag. She and Jeongyeon had been acting normal the following days, which meant she hadn't missed anything.

-Tiger!- Chaeyoung explained.

-Oh wow. A tiger. And how does a tiger sound like?


-Right! It goes something like this.

The little girl smiled satisfied, ready to show the new drawing. This time it was a house with the sun at the corner of the paper.

-What are you doing?- a voice asked behind them.

Nayeon turned and smiled. -I didn't hear you come in.

-I'm a mystery. Never as much as you.

The two smiled at each other, then Jeongyeon kissed her sister's head and Nayeon's cheek, who gladly accepted it. She had gotten used to it by now, she was family too. She almost felt closer to them than to her real family. Chaeyoung and Dahyun had become her little sisters, sweet Mrs. Lee her mother and Jeongyeon was a special friend. Special for sure, considering that the two did nothing but tease each other.

-Dahyun?- asked the brunette, sitting down next to Nayeon.

-At Momo's house.

-This ring must be important to you. Was it your mother's?

-No, Minhyuk gave it to me.

-Minhyuk... The boyfriend you don't have.- she teased her for that lie.

Nayeon sighed. -I don't know why I said I didn't have a boyfriend.

-I have an idea.

-Keep it to yourself.

-Lion?- Chaeyoung asked, showing them her drawing.

-What a cute lion, Chae!- Jeongyeon exclaimed. -Can you draw me and Nayeon?

The little girl looked at them, then took a crayon and started moving it on the white paper next to her.

-Are you and him together because of your families? He's rich and that can help your relatives?

-That's not exactly like that...- said the black-haired, playing with a lock of hair.

-But you didn't even deny it. Do you love him?

-I don't... I know. I thought I loved him, but now... I don't miss him, I'm fine without him. I'm fond of him, of course, but maybe it's a feeling similar to what I might feel for an older brother. We grew up together, it would be strange if I didn't feel affection for him.

-If you don't love him, why don't you leave him?

-Because I can't.

-If it's for your-

-Listen, Jeonyeon, I appreciate the interest but you don't know anything about me, please don't talk!- she yelled irritably.

-That's because you don't want to make yourself known.

-It's not that I don't want to...

The situation was more complex than it seemed. Nayeon needed understanding from Jeongyeon but she couldn't even demand it, the poor brunette didn't know the truth.

-Okay, if you want to talk I'm here. But I'd stop going back and forth with the ring and take it off for now. Focus on yourself while you're here. Once you get home you'll have a clearer mind. And don't let the constant thought of what's in Scotland hold you back, think about what you really want.

The taller one stood up and left the other to think about those words.


-...And then Momo ate my fries too!- Dahyun complained. -And Sana... She gave me hers. Because Sana is kind.

-Of course Momo eats everything.- Jeongyeon commented.

-She reminds me of a certain person.- Nayeon said.

-And you know what my favorite food is? It starts with a "y" and contains a "u".- she said winking at her.

-Yogurt?- Dahyun asked innocently.

-That's right, Dahyun.- Nayeon replied, then glaring at the brunette. -My boyfriend really likes that too.

That answer didn't please Jeongyeon very much, it certainly wasn't what she wanted to hear.

-I guess. After all, what would I expect from a crude farmer or whatever he is.

-He's a landowner and has a lot more money than you. And he's not crude at all.

-I would be better than him.

-I can imagine.

-You can even try, if you want.

-Dahyun, were you talking about Sana?

-Yes! Sana is...


Nayeon was in her room, the ring on the nightstand next to the bed, the constant thought of Jeongyeon saying those things to her at dinner and her obvious jealousy. Her heart was beating fast and she was almost out of breath. Maybe she should see a doctor, or a cardiologist. Why did she feel that way? Maybe it wasn't clear enough? But realizing it in just a month? Was it possible? She had realized she felt affection for Minhyuk after years. Affection... That feeling she felt for her fiancée was very different from what she was feeling at that moment. But which was love and which was strong affection?

She heard a knock on the door and her thoughts were blocked.

-Yes?- she said almost inaudibly.

The door opened and Jeongyeon came in. -Can I?

-Yes, come.

The brunette closed the door and looked at the ring on the nightstand, then at Nayeon, who had turned her back. She went to her bed and lay down next to her. The black-haired's heart started beating fast again, her anxiety increasing.

-You don't mind my joking, right?

-No, because I know you're joking.

Jeongyeon sighed and hugged her from behind. -I was joking before. Maybe now I'm not playing anymore.

Nayeon remained still, determined not to speak, also because she wouldn't have known what to say.

-Maybe I'm a little jealous.- she whispered to her, and then began to leave light and delicate kisses on her neck.

Nayeon's breathlessness was evident but the girl didn't say anything, she remained still enjoying that moment, while her fiancée's ring lay on the nightstand next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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