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Nayeon woke up early that morning, as planned. Mrs. Lee was already up, active for at least an hour and the bakery was already open. The raven-haired tied her hair in a ponytail and left her room, heading towards the bathroom, which however was occupied. She decided to go to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast, luckily the sink was there too.

-Good morning.- said Jeongyeon while sipping her coffee.

-Good morning.- Nayeon quickly replied, heading towards the sink.

-I think Dahyun is feeling unwell. Here are the medicines.

Nayeon turned and saw them on the counter, looked at Jeongyeon and nodded.

-Good. I have to go to work.- she said putting her hands on the table to help herself up. -See you later. Nice pajamas.- And after a quick wink, she left.

Nayeon didn't even have time to realize. She looked down and saw that she was wearing her pink lace pajamas, with short shorts.

-Pervert. That's why her boyfriend...- She shook her head. -Maybe it's just her way of dealing with the issue.

She made breakfast for Chaeyoung and went to wake her up, as per her mother's request. A long day full of drawings, stories and many other activities awaited them. Little Chaeyoung seemed unstoppable, a real fury. As soon as she opened her onyx eyes she looked at her nanny and smiled.

-Hyun?- she asked looking into the bed next to hers.

-Dahyun is already awake. Come on, let's go have breakfast.

-Ttables?- she asked turning her little head.

-No.- Nayeon giggled. -No vegetables.

That was enough for the little girl to get up and run to the kitchen. With Chaeyoung you had to be careful, she would choke easily, that's why it was preferred that she ate cookies with milk and not cereal, unlike her sister. The little girl wanted to emulate everything Dahyun did but she was never allowed to and often complained. Chaeyoung started to eat milk with cookies, making herself all dirty and Nayeon watched her waiting for news from Dahyun. The little girl came out of the bathroom with a paler face than usual and the nanny immediately took care of her, also giving her some medicine for her stomach.

-Dowin?- asked Chaeyoung, indicating to Nayeon her desire to draw.

-Dahyun, if you feel unwell, go to sleep.

The little girl didn't have to be told twice and went to her bed, while Nayeon stayed next to Chaeyoung. The little girl had drawn a sun in the center and there were three rainbows around it. Satisfied, she showed it to the black-haired.

-Me!- she exclaimed, pointing to the sun.

Nayeon smiled. -Are you the sun?

-Hyun!- She pointed to one of the rainbows. -Mom!- She pointed to the other. -Yeon!

-Are these your mom and sisters?

Chaeyoung nodded vigorously. -You dow?- she asked, giving her a color, orange, that Chaeyoung didn't like very much.

Nayeon took it in her hand and thought about what she had missed: drawings, stories, cartoons... She wondered why they were obsessed with being different even in the treatment of children. That's how she started to draw.


-I'm home!

-Yeon!- Chaeyoung exclaimed, running from the sofa to the door.

Little Dahyun was in her room, reading a book, too busy to greet her sister. Jeongyeon picked up the little girl who was moving restlessly.

-Dow!- she exclaimed.

-Did you draw?- Her sister nodded. -And do you want to show it to me?- She nodded again.

Jeongyeon walked with the little girl towards the two little sisters' room. Chaeyoung came down and picked up her drawing, explaining it perfectly. And then the second, then the third...

-And this one?- asked Jeongyeon, picking up one.



-No. Yeon!

Jeongyeon didn't understand. Had she done it for her? -Is it for me?

Chaeyoung got impatient. -Yeon!

Jeongyeon understood at that moment. She turned around amused and left her sister for a moment, going towards the sofa, but finding no one. She went to the kitchen and there she found the maid, or whatever she was, busy preparing dinner.

-Nice drawing. What is it? A funeral?

Nayeon frowned, looked in Jeongyeon's direction and, with a lightning-fast move, snatched the drawing from her hand.

-Calm down, I was just kidding.

-Chaeyoung wanted me to draw with her.

-You still don't know how to cut vegetables.- Jeongyeon said, standing behind her.

She took the knife, wrapping her arms around Nayeon's torso, who felt like she was having an anxiety attack at that moment. What was happening? Jeongyeon was unbearable but so bad to make her have an anxiety attack?

-So- Nayeon began, slipping under Jeongyeon's arm to free herself from that sort of hug. -You cut and I'll cook the noodles.

-Not so fast.- Jeongyeon said, stopping her by the wrist and pulling her towards her. -I want to know what you drew.

-Forget it.

-Too bad, I was going to cut vegetables for the next few months. I know how tiring it is at first and you're really slow.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -I'll learn. You practice to learn, right?

-Do as you wish.- Jeongyeon said, shrugging and heading back to her sisters' room.

-Dahyun! How are you?

-Shhh.- The little girl hushed her by waving.

-I see you've recovered. Do you know what Nayeon drew?


-Chaeyoung... I'm sure you know.- Jeongyeon said, kneeling in front of her sister. -What did Nayeon draw?

-Wing? Yeon?- The little girl seemed to think about it. -Pamily!

-Family?- Jeongyeon asked confused.

-F... Family.- she said, drooling a little in an attempt to pronounce the f.

Jeongyeon got up, more confused than before, and went to take a shower and put on her pajamas. Why did she draw the family in such dark colors? Maybe she didn't feel comfortable with them? She tried to think: in the center there was a gray scribble but inside an orange circle; next to it a darker gray scribble and the two scribbles seemed to be holding hands. Two hands made up of three strokes each. Above the two scribbles there was an orange line that connected the two, immediately traced by another black line. Around these two, many black scribbles and, at the top left one bigger than all the others, with a small orange dot in the center. Next to the lighter central scribble, a small light blue scribble. What could all that possibly mean?

 What could all that possibly mean?

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Analyze the drawing. The best one wins a virtual hug.
I'm curious to see how many different interpretations can arise from this drawing.

Almost like the other girls|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now