The Lucky Compass

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"Look, for nine months everybody's tried to get me to believe that my dad's dead. They said I'm in denial. Whatever. Denial's underrated. You should try it sometime. It's highly effective and it's only denial if you're wrong. It doesn't make any sense. My dad is the last guy who would ever get lost at sea. This compass coming back to me, my father's compass, which was passed down for generations, it's a sign. My dad's still alive, and I'm gonna find him." 

The next day JJ and I head over to the Chateau, once we arrived JJ gave me a look "I'm gonna scare him, make him think DCS is here to get him" JJ said making me shake my head "don't" I started only to get ignored as he starts banging on the door "JJ" I whisper yelled as he ignored me "DCS! I know you're in there!" JJ yelled causing me to groan as JJ goes to where the window is jumping and hitting it which apparently made John B jump as JJ started laughing "gotcha, slick" JJ said as I hit his shoulder "you're an idiot" I said as JJ continued to laugh "You should have seen your face. Your face was like..." JJ said mimicking the scared look on John B's face 

After John B finally calmed down from the scare he explained to JJ and I that he wanted to go talk to Ms. Lana, Scooter's wife about John B's dads compass being in the boat. Which is why the three of us are currently driving in the twinkie while JJ keeps trying to get John B to make his move with Kie despite the no pogue on pogue macking "I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don'ts at least try with Kiara. She clearly likes you. She's like "Oh, John B."" JJ explained while trying to mimic Kie making me roll my eyes as John B looked at JJ amused before turning his eyes back to the road "is that what she does?" John B asked as JJ continued "She's sketchy about you diving and then she kissed you, bro." JJ said causing John B to scoff "She kissed me on the cheek. It's not like we were makin' out or somethin'." John B said "Low hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend that you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, "I kinda like that" and then you start blushing and shit." JJ said making me shake my head "so because I was worried about him diving as well does that mean that I have a thing for John B as well" I asked with a raised brow causing JJ to give me an unimpressed look "that's different, and no because I know that you think of him as another brother" JJ said defensively making me snicker before John B speaks up "I blush?" John B asked amused by JJ's actions "yeah" JJ defended "really?" John B asked "yeah" JJ said before leaning forward and picking up the compass to which John B quickly tries to snatch it back "hey don't" John B started "I was just looking at it." JJ defended while holding the compass away from John B's reach. 

"Hey, eyes on the road" I said making John B straighten up and look back at the road as JJ also straightens up "I gotta admit, your father's compass in Scooter's boat, that's freaky." JJ said while looking at the compass "Yeah. That's why we're going to talk to Ms. Lana, figure this whole thing out." John B explained as I sighed "I'm sure she would just love to talk to us. It's not like her husband just drowned or anything" JJ retorted sarcastically making me roll my eyes "do you ever think before you speak?" I asked irritation clear in my voice to which he just looks at me and shrugs causing the rest of the drive to Ms. Lana's to be met in silence

Once we arrived at Ms. Lana's John B cut the engine before him and JJ opened the doors and got out as I quickly followed after JJ before we started making our way towards the house "Know what this house looks like?" John B asked causing JJ and I to look at him as he holds his fingers up mimicking a cigarette as JJ said "Whoever lives here smokes too much weed" making me snort but soon stop as we hear clattering and glass smashing inside the house making my heart stop as JJ quickly grabs my arm "go back into the Twinkie and hide" JJ said as I nodded before running towards the van and opening the door before looking over my shoulder to see John B and JJ walking towards the house "JJ" I whisper yelled making him look over his shoulder at me "get inside now" JJ repeated making me sigh as I quickly and quietly get in the Twinkie while looking out the window watching the boys getting even closer to the house as I still could hear the glass shattering and a lady screaming causing the boys to quickly run and hide underneath the window. 

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