Nick knew Charlie had secrets. Of course he did, that was just Charlie.
He was never exactly the open book that he had pictured falling in love with, but he loved him nonetheless. Despite the challenges of doing so, Nick had stuck though everything. The mental health episodes, the eating disorder, sixth form.
So imagine his surprise when he's helping Charlie pack for uni, having basically driven down to from Leeds to escort him himself, that he finds a dress in the back of Charlie's closet.
At first, he thinks it's Tori's. It would make sense, but it isn't Tori's style. It's not black or grey or something dark and flowing and strong. It's also not Elle's either - neither bright and noticeable.
It's more...fairy like. Floaty and in a mint green, with open shoulders and bunched sleeves, flowers dotted around it like someone walked through a forest. It's beautiful and when he catches Charlie's eye, he can see it would match the blues in them.
Charlie's eyes however meet the fabric and an embarrassed flush spears across his face. "Oh my god, I forgot I still had that."
"Forgot?" Nick squeaked out, still holding one of the many layers of the skirt in his fingers.
"Yeah, Mum got it for Tori."
Charlie's smile is pensive, but light as he talks, Nick managing to make it not look like he was deflating. Was that disappointment he felt? "She was meant to wear it to her formal, but she hated it, so she bought her own dress and made me hide this one saying the delivery company got it lost. Thankfully Mum got a refund, but we never told her."
"Huh." Nick's face must seem to get his attention back because he's looking at him as he speaks. "For a second I thought it was meant for you, given you'd look good in it, I think."
There's a silence between them that speaks volumes and Nick is on the verge of wilting when Charlie puts the box down on the bed he was previously loading with stuff from his desk drawers and snatches the dress from him, marching out of the room without another word.
For 10 minutes, Nick's sure the world's stopped moving, that he's about to have the biggest argument of the century when Charlie gets back. However, he realises that when he does return, that the world only stopped moving on this very moment. He's wearing the dress.
The fabric somehow pulls over Charlie's body perfectly, the long sleeves over his wringing hands almost too delicate as he looks at Nick through nervous eyelashes.
"What do you think?"
Nick shows him /exactly/ what he thinks a moment later.
Heartstopper Inktober 2K24
FanfictionMy currently somehow not shit attempt at the Inktober Prompt list for 2024, inspired by Heartstopper. <3 *COMPLETED*