13 - Horizon (SpoilerAlert!AU/RPF)

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Based on the autobiography "Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies" by Michael Ausiello.

We took one last vacation, before Kit died. Nothing big, we didn't really do anything big anymore. Will, Yas and the others joined us, even Bash. Even Kit's and my parents came as well. There was a lot of us.

Usually I'm not good with a lot of people, but this was an exception. Everyone seemed to realise how important it was, so I wasn't going to protest.

We rented out an AirBNB on the Cornish coast. It was really lovely weather for that time of year. I hated that it was so nice. It just meant that the world knew exactly what they would be losing and it was trying to make up for putting Kit and by extension, me, through this hell.

Kit hated how he looked in those days. All bald and pale, freckles standing out against his skin like he had the measles, when of course, he had something a lot worse than that.

I hated that he had cancer, I also hated that it took him dying to get us back together after our breakup and now we were back together and finally happy after working out our issues, he was going to leave me.

I tried not to think about that much.

I remember filming a lot, if I cast my mind back. Videos mostly of just random moments. Kit also hated being filmed, but he put up with it for me.

He did tell me off once, when I filmed him outside blowing bubbles with Toby and Will as the sun set on the horizon of the beach, but I just grinned into the camera before he put his middle finger up and I relented. I can say for certain I fell more in love with him back then.

That night, as he lied in my arms, I watched him as he slept, trying my best to carve every part of his person into my mind so that, even as I aged, I wouldn't forget what he looked like. What he sounded like. Felt like.

I didn't want to just leave him behind when he left me. Sounds stupid, saying that now, but it was very real then.

...I still miss him so much.

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