aang | duet

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modern!au ++ unedited

As for most mornings in the past week, I found myself in Ba Sing Se station, seated at the grand piano.

I played a few classical pieces and whatever I could remember from memory before taking requests from the old couples and exchange students that were seated around me.

As I finished up the last request, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Um, excuse me?" I shifted in the seat and was face-to-face with a young man around my age. He wore a cream beanie that was so light it seemed white and held an instrument case in one hand.


"Sorry for disturbing but...could you play 'Heart Chakra'? D-do you know that one?" the stranger asked in a gentle tone.

I racked my brains, a flurry of sheets and notes scurrying through my mind, before I conjured up the image of the song. "...Oh! Yes, I do know that one." He sent me a wide grin and pointed to his instrument case, which was violin-shaped.

"May I play with you?"

"Of course!" With a giddy smile, the man bent down to take out his violin before quickly positioning himself. I shared a look with his brownish-grey eyes before my fingers hovered the keys of the piano. As he began playing, I soon followed.

We were playing at a somewhat slow pace - at least, compared to my playing earlier - and I closed my eyes momentarily to savour the moment. As our instruments harmonised with each-other, the crowd that had formed around us also began swaying gently in rhythm.

There was a small section that didn't require any piano playing so I took that as a chance to lean back and observe my duet partner. His eyes were closed and he was slowly rocking back and forth as he expertly moved his bow up and down the strings. In that moment, his serene expression stilled me in place, stopping time along with it too.

It was just him, us, in this little bubble that he was constructing with each note. Eventually he opened an eye and stared straight at me. I heard music even though none of us were playing. "Is something wrong?" he whispered.

I shook my head, before realising that I had missed my part. "Sorry..."

"No worries," he smiled. "We can just pick up from that bar."

I nodded and turned back to the piano, but my fingers were quivering now. As I pressed the keys, my hands became slightly more heavier to move.

The stranger and I completed the song with no more mistakes and once we finished, a round of applause welcomed us. He turned to me, that smile never leaving his lips. "You played beautifully."

"Th-Thank you," I managed out. "You were exceptional as well."

He chuckled and accepted my thanks. "I'd love to play with you again some time. Will I find you here?"

I nodded, feeling my mouth go dry. "...yes. Yes! Um, I'm here most mornings."

"Great!" he extended a hand forward. "My name's Aang by the way."

"Y/N," I whispered as I shook his hand. "I, um, looking forward to playing with you again."

"As am I."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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