zuko | not mine

137 0 1

modern!highschool au ++ unedited

I walked into biology class like I had everyday for the past month. After greeting my partner, I slipped into my seat and brought out my book and pencil case. The teacher took his position at the front of the class and began droning on about enzymes.
My fingers drummed a rhythm on the table as I stared outside the window, watching the clouds darken the world outside.

Luckily I wasn't so far out of it, so I managed to answer to my name being called on the register. With a blink, I returned to the work the teacher had set us and sighed as the words on my page jumbled up. Teo, the kid opposite me, was scribbling down a whole paragraph in the span of a few minutes. Rubbing my eyes, my jaw dropped as he just kept on going.
Teo was way younger than us, but clearly he had skipped some grades. I don't think he even belonged here; he should've moved up another!

"...and finally, Zuko?"

"Here sir." Compared to the dull responses of the other students, this was certainly more upbeat. The boy's voice resonated across the room, setting an example to us all. I glanced over to his table, and saw the black-haired boy crouched over his book and writing something in.
Beside him sat Jet, only the most fascinating (and surprisingly charming) boy I had ever met. He had a resting smirk on his face, but he seemed nice enough.

The next day when I walked into biology, the room was a lot more brighter. Sunlight illuminated the tables in large blocks, casting a white glow like the flame of burning magnesium - except not so intense. I got to class early and so after settling onto the hard, plastic stools, I watched my classmates saunter in. Greeting Teo and my partner, I noticed someone walking in at that moment.

It was a tall boy with black hair and a neutral expression. His face was radiant and his hair looked so perfect in that fluffed up style. My eyes followed as he walked over to his stool to sit down. As he ducked his head down to take out his materials from his bag, his lips looked so plump—

Okay. Where did that come from??

Jet sauntered in a couple minutes later, and slapped his hand on Zuko's shoulder. "What's good?" I couldn't make out Zuko's reply, for I was on the other side of the classroom, but he murmured something back.

The class began with the teacher waffling about proteins again, but for some reason, instead of closing and dreaming, my eyes continuously fell onto Zuko. Something about him was so different than all those days before, when I hadn't really noticed him.
His nose scrunched as the teacher was midway explaining a particularly hard concept. A flutter emerged from my chest and I quickly looked down to hide my flushed face from any watchful eyes.

When it was announced that we'd be switching classrooms for biology, I couldn't be more elated. It meant that the usual seating arrangement would change and I could sit next to my friends.

I bounded up to the back, only to find it had been raided by the rowdiest boys in the class, and instead settled for the row in front. My friend was sitting beside a spare seat so I hopped in and began talking with her. We didn't make it far into our discussion about the best type of pet, before the teacher walked in and we started the lesson.

"Alright, I'm gonna do the register now, so answer to your name," the teacher clapped his hands to grab our attention.


"Morning sir."

I licked my lips and cleared my throat as the teacher called out the name of the person in front of me. "Y/n?"

"Here sir!" Phew. My voice didn't crack, and it wasn't raspy. I survived the attendance round this time.


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