Ch 7

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Citizen Brown wasn't amused, "Doc?" He sat down in his chair, "Interesting. You regard me as a doctor, indicating awareness that you're suffering from some variety of mental disorder. That's a hopeful sign, Martin." Citizen Brown was starting to take notes. He added, "Of course I'm not actually a doctor, but I do have the tools to turn you around and put you back on the road to societal normalization. Shall we begin with a few questions to establish a baseline?"

Marty stated coldly, "Whatever. Let's get through this nonsense so I can set you straight. I need to do this before I lose Annie again."

Citizen Brown repeated, "You'll set me straight? And what do you mean losing Annie?"

Marty replied, "I think she's starting to remember. Take Hill Valley for example. This whole crazy world you've created - it's totally mental! There's all these stupid rules and everybody is acting all weird. Biff is a zombie. My dad turned into this creepy snoop. My mom is completely pathetic. Uncle Robert is a cop and Annie...Annie is just an innocent bystander in all of this. It's all your fault!"

Marty was holding back tears. He had no idea why Annie was starting to remember. Was it because of their bond? Was it because she did believe him? Was it because she was starting to love him again? He didn't know. The more time he wasted here, the more time he wasn't going to get any answers. Citizen Brown was still writing notes.

He questioned, "So you believe that this interview is more about me than it is you..."

Marty stated, "Yes!"

Citizen Brown asked, "You went through all this trouble just to deliver a message to me in person?"

Marty said, "Yes!"

Citizen Brown stated, "A 'cry for help' as it were..."

Marty commented, "Yes! No, wait..."

Citizen Brown replied, "Tell me, Martin. Is your mother on the sauce again?"

Marty angrily responded, "Not where I come from! When I left here, they were happy and well-adjusted. Okay...they didn't start out that way but that's where your time machine comes in."

Citizen Brown did a double take, "Time machine? I haven't invented any time machine?"

For a brief moment, he felt like he had said that to Martin before. And someone else...girl? Was it...Annie Baines?

Marty confirmed, grimacing at the irony, "Yes, you built a time machine out of a De Lorean."

Citizen Brown asked, "Why?"

Marty answered, "Well, just because of the hell of it, I guess. Plus the steel frame was important for some reason..."

Citizen Brown drawled, "Fascinating."

Marty stated, "Yes! Yes, it is fascinating. It's amazing... and incredible. But you don't know it because you've never invented it. You aren't the real Doc Brown. You gotta believe me."

Citizen Brown asked, "And this is because...?"

Marty admitted, "Everything got screwed up when I went back in time to 1931."

Citizen Brown said, "Sounds like this time machine is very...impractical and dangerous invention."

Marty stated, "No! I mean yes... Sure, it has messed a lot of things up. But it did make a lot of things better. Like my parents. It was only thanks to your time machine that they became successful and happy."

The older man asked, "So they are happy."

The youngest McFly started to answer, "But they aren't because you had summoned Annie and I to 1931..."

Citizen Brown did a double take, "Annie? As in Annie Baines? If that was the case, why is she not here with you? I thought you two were dating at one point."

Marty tried to explain, "Well, that's a bit of a longer story. But everyone's timeline has been screwed up..."

He mused, "I see..."

Marty responded, "No, you don't! Think! Think back, don't you remember me? We knew each other...when you were eighteen. I'm Michael Corleone...and my alas name for Annie was Ami."

Citizen Brown was shocked, "Incredible... This case is more serious than I imagined. The boy fabricated an alternate reality."

Marty insisted, "No, this is the alternate reality. My reality is the real reality."

Citizen Brown said, "Calm down, Martin. I'm not blaming you for anything. The failure is ours, not yours. Obviously there was a drastic flaw in your conditioning."

Marty blurted out, "You don't understand."

Citizen Brown said, "No, I don't understand yet...but I want to. I want to get to the roof of your problem. Keep talking." Marry stammered. Citizen Brown suggested, "Take your time. Look around the room. Perhaps something here will stimulate your imagi...your memory..."

Marty looked around, "Hey, this is your fish tank."

Citizen Brown confirmed, "Yes...that is my fish tank."

Marty pointed out, "It looks much better without all the bacteria."

Citizen Brown was confused, "What? Edna just had it cleaned."

Marty replied, "Yeha but in 1931 it was full of bacteria that we used to make rocket fuel. Remember?"

Citizen Brown stammered as he took notes, "An impressively detailed delusion. Keep talking."

Marty saw a portrait of Emmett, Estelle, and their father Judge Brown. "So that's what Judge Brown looked like. I never actually saw him..."

Citizen Brown pointed out, "Of course not. He died before you were born. He was my biggest supporter - after my wife of course."

Marty fiercely stated, "And your sister never approved. She always knew that something wasn't right. She knew that you weren't her brother. Besides, the last time I saw your younger self, you had a massive fight with your father over your decision to become an inventor instead of a lawyer. Isn't that right?"

Citizen Brown stammered again, taking some more notes. "Bizarre fantasy life. Go on."

That's when Marty saw the picture of Einstein on his desk, "Okay, take a look at this picture of Einstein here..."

Citizen Brown asked, "The dog? Harboring dangerous animals is a municipal offense..."

Marty answered, "Yeah, yeah. They told me. But you harbored this very same animal once, a long time ago. Remember the test run of your rocket car? Einstein landed on the roof of the courthouse."

Citizen Brown frowned, "I do recall something for sort, but...naturally it could've been the same dog..."

Marty explained, "That's because like Annie and I, he's a time traveler. Thanks to your invention."

"When this baby hits 88 MPH, you're gonna see some serious shit!"

Citizen Brown perked up. It was happening again. But why was it happening again? He was getting upset.


Wishmaker1028: I think this would be a good cliffhanger! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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