Into the Flames

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Chapter 2

The world around Emily dissolved in darkness. The hospital room, her sister, everything she knew vanished in an instant. Her heart raced as she blinked into the void, trying to grasp what had just happened. Then, slowly, the shadows around her began to melt away, revealing a new landscape.

She was no longer in her room. Before her lay a vast, crimson sky that bled into the horizon, and beneath her feet was black stone, hot to the touch. Emily gasped as the scent of sulfur and ash filled her lungs. She stood at the gates of Hell.

Lucien stood beside her, his hands clasped behind his back, watching her with those piercing, infernal eyes. "Welcome to my kingdom," he said, his voice smooth, as if he was welcoming her to an estate rather than the underworld.

Emily's throat tightened. Everything was overwhelming—the oppressive heat, the crimson glow of the sky, the twisted towers and dark fortresses that rose in the distance. This was not the afterlife she'd imagined, but something far more sinister.

"I—I'm really here," she whispered, almost to herself.

Lucien chuckled softly, his laugh sending a chill through her. "You are. And this is your new home. The queen of Hell should get familiar with her surroundings."

Her heart pounded at his words. Queen of Hell. She hadn't fully processed what that meant when she agreed to the deal. All she could think about was her sister—saving her life at any cost. Now the reality hit her hard.

"What about my sister?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Did you save her?"

Lucien's smile faded as he turned to face her. "She is alive, as I promised," he said. "You upheld your end of the deal, and so have I. But now, you belong to me."

The weight of his words settled on her chest like a stone. She'd done it. She'd saved her sister, but in doing so, she had given up her life, her freedom. For eternity. The thought made her knees weak, and she stumbled.

Before she could fall, Lucien was beside her, catching her with a firm hand. His touch was warmer than fire, almost comforting, though it shouldn't have been. "Don't fear," he said, his voice low. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Emily pulled away from him, confused by the strange sense of security he brought. "I don't understand," she said. "Why me? Why did you choose me?"

Lucien's gaze darkened, and for the first time, she saw a flicker of something—was it regret? Or something deeper? He turned, gesturing for her to follow as he began walking toward a path of jagged stones that led into the heart of the underworld.

"There are many things you don't understand yet," he said over his shoulder. "But you will, in time."

Emily hesitated, watching his broad form move ahead of her, the heat and flames swirling in the air around them. She had no choice but to follow. She didn't know what he meant by "in time," but the way he said it made her blood run cold.

As they walked, the path took them through a desolate landscape. Lava flowed in streams like rivers, and strange creatures moved in the shadows, their eyes glowing red. The towers in the distance grew larger, and soon, a massive black castle loomed ahead, with jagged spires that pierced the sky.

"Is this where you live?" Emily asked, her voice small, taking in the dark beauty of the place.

Lucien glanced back at her, his eyes gleaming. "We live," he corrected. "This is where we rule."

The words sent another wave of shock through her. We. She was no longer just Emily, a girl desperate to save her sister. She was now queen, tied to the King of Hell in a way she couldn't yet comprehend. What did that even mean? What was expected of her?

As they approached the gates of the castle, massive iron doors opened with a creaking groan. Inside, the temperature seemed to drop, though the air was still thick with the scent of brimstone. Torches lined the stone walls, casting flickering shadows along the corridors.

Lucien led her through the hall, his steps confident, as if this was all routine to him. But for Emily, every step felt like she was walking deeper into a nightmare. Finally, they stopped in front of a large door, adorned with intricate carvings of flames and serpents.

"This," Lucien said, opening the door, "is your room."

Emily stepped inside cautiously. The room was vast, with high ceilings and deep red velvet drapes hanging from the walls. A large bed, made of dark wood and adorned with black silk sheets, dominated the center of the room. There was a vanity, a wardrobe, and an eerie, large mirror that seemed to reflect more than just her image.

She turned to Lucien. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

Lucien stepped closer, his eyes locking with hers. "You intrigue me, Emily. I've ruled this realm for centuries, but you—your spirit, your courage, your willingness to sacrifice everything for the ones you love—it's rare. I could have chosen anyone, but I chose you."

Emily's breath caught in her throat as he lifted a hand to her cheek, the heat from his fingers seeping into her skin. "And now," he whispered, "you're mine."

Her heart pounded, her mind racing with fear and confusion. She had sold her soul to the King of Hell, and now, standing here before him, she had no idea how to survive in his world. Or what he truly wanted from her.

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