How I married the King of HELL

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Chapter 11:

The moment I stepped through the swirling shadows of the Abyss, I knew there was no going back. The vast, dark landscape I had found myself in was cold and empty, but the weight of an ancient presence pressed down on me from all sides. This place wasn't just a realm—it was a living entity, watching, judging.

The sky above churned with black clouds, streaks of sickly green lightning crackling within them. The ground beneath my feet felt unstable, shifting under my weight as if I were standing on the back of some great, slumbering beast. In the distance, a silhouette loomed, tall and foreboding.

And he was waiting for me.

Lucien—the King of Hell. My supposed husband-to-be.

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I forced myself to move forward. Every instinct screamed at me to turn and run, but there was no escaping this. Not anymore. Not after everything I had endured. I had to finish what I started.

As I approached, his form became clearer—tall, draped in black robes that moved unnaturally in the still air. His eyes were pools of crimson fire, and a cruel smile twisted his lips. There was no warmth in his gaze, no compassion—only hunger, as if he was already savoring the moment of my submission.

"Emily," he greeted, his voice like silk sliding over a blade. "You've come. How brave of you."

I clenched my fists, trying to suppress the tremor in my hands. "This is what you wanted, right? You wanted me to come to you willingly."

His smile widened. "Of course. There is a certain... pleasure in having one's bride choose their fate."

Bride. The word sent a shiver of disgust through me, but I kept my expression neutral. "And what happens now?"

"Now," Lucien said, stepping closer until he towered over me, "we seal our union. But first, a test."

A test. The old ones had tested me in the Abyss of Shadows, nearly breaking me in their trials. But this was different. This was the King of Hell's game, and I was about to be its pawn.

He raised his hand, and the ground beneath us cracked open with a deafening roar. From the fissures, molten fire bubbled and hissed, and out of the inferno, dark, twisted shapes emerged—figures of fire and smoke, with glowing red eyes and sharp, clawed hands.

Lucien chuckled darkly, his gaze never leaving mine. "These are my servants. If you wish to stand beside me as my queen, you will prove your worth."

The creatures hissed and snarled, circling me like predators stalking their prey. My heart raced, and I could feel the familiar spark of power within me, the power that had saved me time and time again. But this time, it wasn't just my life on the line. This was a choice—one that would either bind me to the King of Hell forever or see me consumed by his wrath.

I could feel Lucien's gaze burning into me, watching, waiting. This was a game to him. A twisted game, and I was the unwilling participant.

One of the creatures lunged at me, its fiery claws swiping at my chest. I barely dodged in time, my instincts kicking in. I summoned the energy within me, a pulse of pure power surging through my veins. With a burst of force, I threw my hands out, sending the creature flying backward, its body dissolving into smoke.

Lucien's eyes glittered with amusement. "Good. Very good. But this is only the beginning."

More creatures descended upon me, faster, stronger. They attacked in waves, their claws and teeth flashing in the dim light. I fought back with everything I had, drawing on the power inside me to repel their assaults. But with each strike, I could feel my energy waning. The darkness around me seemed to grow heavier, pressing down on my chest, suffocating me.

I was growing weaker.

Lucien's laughter echoed around me, filling the air with a chilling sound. "You cannot win, Emily. Not against me. Not here."

I stumbled back, barely avoiding another attack. My strength was fading, and I knew that if I didn't end this soon, I would fall. But there was something more—something I hadn't realized until now.

This wasn't just a test of strength. It was a test of will.

Lucien wanted me to give in, to surrender to him, to accept my fate. But I wouldn't. I couldn't.

With a final surge of energy, I focused all my power into one, concentrated blast. The creatures recoiled, dissolving into the air as the force of my power tore through them. The ground beneath me shook, and for a moment, everything was still.

Lucien's smile faltered.

"You think you can defy me?" he hissed, his voice growing dark and dangerous. "You think you can escape what you are destined to become?"

I stood my ground, my chest heaving with exhaustion. "I may be weak, but I am not yours. Not yet."

His eyes narrowed, the flames within them burning hotter. "You will be. One way or another, you will be mine."

And then, without warning, the ground beneath me crumbled, and I was falling, swallowed by the Abyss once more.

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