That's not supposed to happen

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Remus chucked and stood up before fixing my hair. "So, this blood thing." He sighed and sat in his chair, thinking and trying to wrap his brain around something. "No hospital wing huh? Why not?" I gulped softly and got shy. "Madame Pomfrey is my aunt, and if she found out about this I'd be over.." I mumbled under my breath while whimpering. "She's your aunt?" I nodded. "And Autumn is my sister, she's a second year.." he nodded and rubbed his head before Henry entered the office. "Professor? Dumbledore would like to speak to you"

Henry looked at me and frowned. "I'm sorry they did that to you, are you ok?" Henry was a ravenclaw, but it was still intriguing to me that he wasn't mean to me. I nodded and smiled softly. "Yeah, I'm ok Henry" he nodded and then looked at lupin. "I'm sorry, I'm not leaving Raven by herself in fear of what could happen. Please let professor Dumbledore know that I'm sorry I cannot attend, and that if he wants to speak further he can come talk to me in my office."

"Yes sir." Henry bowed and then exited the small, authentic office. Remus turned his chair back to me and then rolled close to me before taking my hand and leaned back in his chair as he examined it carefully. "Have you punched a wall recently?" I shook my head nervously and frowned. "Um.. well.."

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I just noticed your knuckles are a bit messed up." My hand trembled and he lifted his gaze up to me. "Raven? What's wrong?" My hand was lightly set down and then his hand reached over to my cheek and I flinched. He stopped.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm a safe person, I promise you that." A shaky exhale escaped my mouth while Remus continued to reach to my cheek before he placed his hand gently on my cold cheek and slowly rubbed it. "You're so cold, let me get you a blanket." Remus stood up and went to his cabinet, opening it and revealing potions, books, med kids, and two blankets. Lupin bent down and grabbed a blanket before closing his cabinet and turning around to look at me and smiled, looking at the asleep girl laying against his couch.

Lupin covered me up with a blanket and fixed my hair once more before sitting down in his chair and started sorting out papers. Every movement I made was met with Lupin's gaze. I wasn't supposed to fall asleep, especially with a teacher. I was helpless, laying there, exposed and asleep. Kill yourself. What? Who's there? Nobody needs you. The voice echoed in my head, it was painful. No matter what happened, i had never let it result in a attempt or in self harm. So why was it coming now? Why was it speaking to me?

"What do you want.." I muttered, still hard asleep. Lupin turned and looked at me. "Come again dear?" I turned a bit and started breathing heavier. "" I groaned, breathing fast. Lupin immediately went to my side and rubbed my shoulder slowly. "Hey, it's ok Raven,it's just a bad dream.." he whispered and shook me gently. "S..stop.. I won't.." I spoke in my usual soft tone, but slightly broken. The annoying voice grew louder, and louder, and louder. Bleed you useless bitch.

My body flung up as fast as it could, and i gasped for breath while my eyes filled with tears, and my hands trembled. "Fuck!.." I panted out and closed my eyes tight. "I w...wanna kill m-" Lupin's reaction was quick, he hugged my tight and sighed. "No you don't kiddo, don't listen to those scary voices." How did he know about the voices? Does he have voices?

Your pathetic, a burden. Just leave. I looked at lupin and tried to push him away. "I should g..get going professor.." he only shook his head and held me closer. Leave. Die, pathetic cunt. "Raven? Raven" lupin lifted my head up and I flinched, focusing back on him. "Are they bad right now?" Tears pooled into my eyes. Why was it all of a sudden that I wanted to watch the blood pool out of my arm?.. feel the breeze while I fall off the astronomy tower?..

"Raven?" I nodded and looked at him. A little, skinny, fragile girl, shaken up and scared sat in his arms. When did this happen? Why did I- "do you feel like cutting yourself?" I nodded a bit and exhaled hard. "This wasn't supposed to happen.." I muttered out and shook in his arms, I looked absolutely terrified, terrible, broken, scared, helpless in his eyes. "The voices.." I muttered.

"That's not supposed to happen Raven, trust me, not this early."

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