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Five woras. Five simple words mat I would use to describe myself could be the exact same words I'd use to define someone with little to no hope. It's not how I want to see myself-who does? But the evidence is all too clear. As my eyes skimmed over a photo of myself, a cold, hollow feeling settled deep within me, draining whatever hope I had left.

It was my senior picture, the one that was supposed to symbolize freedom, a new chapter, something pure. But now it felt...wrong. I don't even know how he got it. My father had passed away before he ever had the chance to buy them. Confusion twisted my brow as I stared at the smiling girl in the photo. A girl who didn't know the truth. A girl who didn't carry the weight of all this.

"What did he do to those girls?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. My gaze refused to lift from the photo of me-an image from a time when my mother's betrayal didn't exist, when none of this had bled into reality.

Mr. Jeon chuckled, his voice slithering into my thoughts like something toxic. "Let's just say...Jungkook doesn't exactly show affection to women." He made it sound like a joke, but there was nothing funny about it. Every fiber of me wanted to slap that disgusting smirk off his face. Yet, all I could do was piece together fragments of a truth that I didn't want to understand.

"He killed them, didn't he?" My voice cracked as I tried to steady it.

Mr. Jeon waved a hand dismissively, his smile widening. "Now, now... No one said he killed them, darling. He just didn't choose them." The confusion that had already been knocking around inside my skull now exploded into something almost unbearable. Finally, I forced myself to look up at him, and there he was, still wearing that twisted smirk.

"You seem confused, so let me explain," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "In this business, certain sacrifices are necessary to get what we want. Since my son is still too young, he has to...shall we say, relinquish his bachelorhood in exchange for deals. He needed a particular someone, and your mother and I set him up with a few...options." His smile twisted crueler. "Each one more repugnant to him than the last. And when they were rejected, well, they were given a choice." His voice dropped lower. "The choice they made was death."

"Why am I included with them?" My voice was barely my own. It felt like a stranger's, shaky and weak, desperate to sound composed, despite my heart thundering in my chest.

Mr. Jeon's smirk stretched into a full smile as if he'd been waiting for this question. His hand reached out to mine. Hesitantly, suspiciously, I allowed him to take it, though it made my skin crawl. He bent down, his lips brushing against the back of my hand in a mockery of chivalry. "Because, my dear, he finally made a choice."

I yanked my hand away, disgust churning inside me. For the first time since stepping foot into this house of horrors, an emotion other than fear rose to the surface -anger. Blazing, raw anger.

"So, you're telling me," I spat, "that I'm here because you want to force me to be with your son? My stepbrother? You're sick. You and my mother both deserve to rot in hell."

He laughed. Not just a chuckle, but a full, loud laugh, as though I'd said something hilarious.

"Oh no, no, no," he said through his twisted amusement. "I'm not forcing you to do anything. If you want to leave, go ahead."

I stood from the chair, my eyes locked onto his, defiant. "He's not going to own me like some toy. You won't treat me like I'm his property. I have nowhere to go, and you know that, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like anything less than a human being. If you can't manage that, you might as well kill me too."

The laughter vanished from his face in an instant, replaced by something darker, colder. His smile faded, revealing the true malice lurking beneath. "Don't tempt me," he said, his voice now low and deadly.

I leaned in, our faces inches apart. "By all means, do what you must."

Turning sharply on my heel, I walked out of the room, my footsteps echoing against the cold marble floor. The corridors felt longer, darker. Every maid's eyes seemed to follow me as I passed, curiosity and fear mingling in their glances before they quickly looked away, pretending to be absorbed in their work. Even the bodyguards didn't bother acknowledging my presence.

It wasn't hard to figure out why everyone was terrified. Men like Mr. Jeon and Jungkook thrived on fear, used it as currency. But one question kept pulsing through my mind-why do they work for them? Surely, they knew what kind of monsters they were serving.

"Y/N, the boss has requested you." Jake's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to see him standing there, his face void of expression. I wanted to plead with him not to take me to wherever Jungkook was waiting. Now that I knew what he wanted from me, the thought of being in the same room with him made my skin crawl.

I considered running. I could go back to my room, lock the door, and refuse to come out. But instead, I followed Jake, each step feeling heavier than the last as we walked through the endless hallways. My eyes flickered over the ornate decor, but none of it seemed beautiful anymore. It was just a façade, masking the rot beneath.

Eventually, we reached a door, guarded by two men who looked as stone-faced as statues. Jake nodded, and they opened the door without a word. I hesitated, but Jake gave me a slight push, forcing me inside.

I gasped at the sight before me.

Taehyung was tied to a chair, his face bruised and blood dripping from a cut above his eyebrow. His eyes widened when they met mine, panic and disbelief swimming in them. "Y/N, what the fuck is this?" he shouted, his voice hoarse.

I hurried toward him, removing the gag from his mouth. He coughed violently, trying to speak between breaths. "I-I don't know... I was getting ready to shower, and then...some guy came out of nowhere and started beating the shit out of me. Next thing I know, I'm here-"

He was cut off by the sound of the door creaking open. Jungkook entered the room, that same cold smirk on his face, a blonde girl trailing behind him, her eyes glued to the floor. She moved like a shadow, silent and obedient, sitting in a chair as if she belonged there.

'Jungkook, what is this?" | " demanded, trying to keep my voice steady.

"You know this sick fuck?" Taehyung growled, his voice booming in the confined space. I could feel his anger radiating, but I couldn't focus on him right now. My attention was on Jungkook.

"I gave you a choice," Jungkook said, his voice soft yet menacing. He stepped closer, his hand brushing against my cheek, but his touch was ice-cold.

"Now, you live with the consequences."

"What consequence?" I whispered, my words barely audible as I backed away from his touch.

"You asked me once what I thought a painful death was like." His eyes flickered with a chilling amusement. "I think I have an answer now."

The air thickened with tension as he leaned closer, his lips brushing against my ear. "You'll  find out soon enough."


