Chapter 5 - Emrys?

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"You Dollophead!!!" Merlin shouted to his King. "You say that I should sleep on the job, and you do it!!! You guys need sleep tonight!"

"You sound like Gwen!" Elyan complained.

"I do not! But how much did you guys acctually sleep last night?"

"Don't know. But you can't order me around, I am the king!" Merlin chukled.

"Has that ever stopped me?" Merlin said with his smile. "But you guys still going to sleep tonight."

"But we're not tired!!" Arthur said and sounded like a five year old.

"And you're not our mommy!" Gwaine complained and sounded even younger.

"Yes, you are-" But Merlin was cut off by a scream.

"EMRYS!!!" They all stoped direcley, because they all knew that voice.


The knights and King, except Elyan, looked at each other and the question in their eyes where clear: who is Emrys? Elyan knew the story about Emrys, but wasn't it just a story? Merlin was tense, and only those who knew him good enough could know that he was terrified. Arthur saw this, and got even more confused. Even if he had never said it, Merlin was the bravest man he'd ever met. Merlin was nearly never terrified.
Morgana came out from the trees.

"Emrys." She said with her signature evil grin.

"Morgana." They all said.

"Sorry, but we don't know whoever this Emrys is." Gwaine said.

"Oh, sir Knight, I didn't expect you to know what the druids call Merlin..." It was clear for the knights that Merlin was her goal. They moved so they stood around him in a protective circle. They didn't know why Merlin was the goal, not even Elyan.

"How do you know?" Merlin said in a voice with only anger in it, that made the knights look confused at him. They didn't know how the kind, honest Merlin could sound so angry. But through the anger you could also see some sadness...

"Oh, just put two and two togheter. Who was the one who always stayed with his prince, or now 'king' as he calls himself." All of the knights swords where already out.
To all of their confuseness. Merlin jumped of his horse and walked to Arthur.

"Give me exalibur." He said in such a way that Arthur couldn't say anything against him. When Arthur gave him the sword, Morgana shouted a spell, so before Arthur could say 'Camelot' he and the knights where stuck, thirty feet behind Merlin and Morgana.

"Älvsjö æhstü!" Morgana shouted and some sort of bubble shot towards Merlin, but he only put up his hand against it, and shot it back towards the witch again. But the sign of magic was clear. Arthur knew that he had magic, but see him with it was another thing... He feelt mixed feelings bubble up throght him.

Merlin knew That the move was clearly showed his magic. And he had seen that Elyan knew about the Emrys thing. He knew he shouldn't, but he looked back at them over one of his shoulders. All of them looked like shocked, and Arthur seemed... Puzzled.

"Asrtíce!" Morgana shouted, and Merlin wasn't prepered, so he was soon lying unconsicous on the ground.


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