chapter ten | 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎

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"Goodnight Tala," Lando told her as he stood in the door frame of her hotel room with his hands planted at the level of her face on the wall. Tala could not for the life of her keep him from coming up to her room. It was annoying to her but now that they were officially friends she would eventually have to find his pushiness endearing.

"Goodnight Lando, use protection," Slamming the door right in his face. Her patience for the night had been all used up, she was ready for her head to hit the pillow. But first things first, brush the vomit out of my teeth.

Lando stood there with his jaw dropped, use protection? He tilted his head in disbelief at her door as if she was still standing in front of him. She was good at keeping him on his toes. He would find that quality of hers endearing. He pushed himself off the wall and in return to the sly comment he responded, "I always do!" He walked down the hallway with a cocky smile. I always fucking do.



Why was I sitting at a table with Lando and Magui for breakfast you ask? I have no fucking idea. Well...maybe it was the free breakfast. He had shown up at my door this morning while I was wearing an oversized shirt that had Big Dick Energy in a bubbly pink font on the front. Lando had much to say about that. Tala, you're too cute to have big dick energy. Tala, I'm the one with the BDE, I should be the one wearing that. Matter of fact let's swap clothes right now. I didn't let that happen.

"Where's Mika?" He asked me as he sat back with his arm resting on the back of Magui's chair. They both looked like they had sex hair but they wore it well.

"Guess," I said as I went to take my first bite of toast with butter and drizzled honey. Doesn't that sound insane?

He tapped the edge of the table with an amused smile. He's always smiling. "The guy she was with last night."

I hummed at him while still chewing and gave him a thumbs up. He was right. She texted me that it was the roughest but still most sexually satisfying night she's ever had. And that she would meet me in the afternoon since she still wanted to use some of her free time before our flight to and I quote get fucked into oblivion.

"When are you leaving?" He sure has a lot of questions for me this morning.

I finished chewing the heavenly bread before responding, "Tonight."

"Tonight?" This dude might be the deaf one.

"Yes Lando...tonight," Emphasizing the word slowly, now taking my next bite of fresh strawberries. These two ate like mice, more for me then.

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