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CLOVE Dutch braided her brown hair neatly,Her dainty fingers sliding through the sections with ease

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CLOVE Dutch braided her brown hair neatly,Her dainty fingers sliding through the sections with ease.

She tried to Tune out the angry yells of her brother and the several car honking from outside as she tied her converse and put on her red, fitting leather jacket. "Hurry you little ass up Clo!"She heard the Irritating voice of Sam calling out to her from the driveway. Clove swung her backpack over her shoulder and jogged downstairs in annoyance "I'm coming you piece of shit!"She yelled angrily.

Both her mom and dad worked in the morning,granting her access to curse out her older brother.

She started walking towards His car as her brother rolled down the passenger seat window "Lock the door!"He said.

She rolled her eyes and Headed back to the entrance,mortising the lock in a swift movement.

"How slow can you get?"Sam mumbled as he watched his sister prop her bag on her lap and buckle in her seatbelt "it's barely 8 am!"She mumbled,rolling her eyes.


Clove stepped foot into the High school's parking lot,The familiar sent of sweat coming from the hormonal teens She didn't yearn.

she glanced at her older brother who was already off with his friends and she resolved that it was time for her to find hers. 

Her eyes squinted around the parking lot,spotting both Scott and stiles,standing by the high school's entrance.

She escorted herself by the two boys' side as she grimaced at a Shirt-lifting Scott who showed stiles the gauze and tape covered Bite he had told them about yesterday night.

"Is that the bite?"she mumbled,her nose scrunching at the sight.

"Yeah.."Scott mumbled as he pulled the side of his shirt to successfully cover his wound. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."he adds as the three began to make their way up the stairs to the school's doors.

"A wolf bit you?"Stiles echoed,his eyebrows cocking in disbelief,but Scott just hummed in confirmation

"No, not a chance."Denied the Stilinski boy with a shake of the head. Both Clove and Scott gave the boy a look of bafflement

"I..heard a wolf howling."Scott replied unhurriedly

"No, you didn't."Stiles rejected,once more. Clove looked up at the hazel-eyed boy with a look of irritation "how do you know what he heard?"The raven haired girl asked

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