THING?"PUT her down!"Stiles instructed in a hurry as he watched an unconscious Clove being carried bridal style by Scott. When the McCall boy went looking for his best friend, he had already found her passed out at the center of the gym court.
Scott put down Clove gently on the floor as her back leaned against the wall, the teens crouching down besides her in a worry. But Stiles' worry seemed to be multipled in comparison to the other, the only thing was thinking was that that he couldn't lose Clove Waldorf.
Stiles let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as he saw the girl's eyes flutter open "hey..Clove can you hear me?"Stiles whispered in relief as he grazed the side of her cheek. "Clove are you okay?"Jackson spoke up as he placed his hand on her shoulder, trailing it down to her elbow, making Stiles furrow his eyebrows in annoyance
Scott looked up at Stiles, furrowing his eyebrows as he strangely smelt jealousy coming from Stiles. He made a mental note to tell him about it later. She looked at him "yeah I'm fine J.."she smiled as Stiles and Jackson offered her both a hand to regain her balance,
She furrowed her eyebrows as she saw the two boys handing her out their palms, her breath hitched in her throat as she shifted uncomfortably. Her discomfort lowered down as she saw the argent girl pulling out her palm to Clove, making the brunette smile widely and took hand of the girl's hand. "You got me worried C.."Allison mumbled anxiously as she embraced the girl's smaller frame.
"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why."Allison asked loudly as she pulled back from Clove, looking at Scott who's breathing shallowed as he faced his back to the group of teens, gripping the sides of a table. "Somebody killed the janitor."Stiles spoke up.
Clove bit her lower lip, hoping Scott was not going to reveal anything more "what?!"the strawberry blonde exclaimed "yeah the janitors dead."Stiles confirmed "What's he talking about? Is this a joke?"the argent girl spoke up in frustration as she glanced over at an anxious Scott who was still facing his back to the groupe of teens
"What? Who killed him?"Jackson asked "No, no, no, no.... This was supposed to be over... The mountain lion killed—"Lydia said anxiously as her breathing quickened "No, don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion."
The dirty blonde haired boy spoke as he waved his arms"Who was it? What does he want? What's happening?"Allison hyperventilated just to get what's so ever no answers from Scott "Scott?!"
Allison yelled."I-I don't know. I-I just—If-if we go out there, he's gonna kill us."Scott mumbled "Us? He's gonna kill us?!"The Martin girl yelled "Who? Who is it?"Allison asked, making Scott hesitate to answer, and for Clove and Stiles to share a look, wondering what will Scott answer to that "It's Derek. It's Derek Hale."Scott bluntly said "Derek killed the janitor?"Jackson scoffed
"Are you sure?"Allison asked "I saw him."Scott nodded as he spun around to face the group of teenagers "The mountain lio—"Lydia once again started just to be caught off by Scott "No, Derek killed them."
"All of them?"The Raven Haired Girl asked "Yeah. Starting with his own sister."Scott Lied "The bus driver?"Allison asked, cocking her eyebrows "And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us, too."Scott nodded. Then Jackson gazed over to Stiles with a firm stare "call the cops." He instructed