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"LET'S GO! Sit, sit, sit, sit. We got a lot to cover today. Let's go! Quicker!" Coach Finstock yelled as the students parted away from each other and each took their seats

"Hey, uh Clo. Sit behind me."Scott mumbled as his eyes darted to the Raven beauty who was marching towards him, her gaze fixated on the sit behind him, But just as Clove was about to slip behind Scott, Allison had stolen the seat behind Scott, causing him to sign and lump into his seat,

Clove mouthed sorry to Scott and smiled softly to Allison before heading to the seat behind Stiles.

"Let's settle down!"Finstock yelled as he held his arms up,the student population immediately going quiet. "Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading."The man said.

Obviously, Clove and Stiles had rose their hands up, as well as a few more students around them. "Greenberg, put your hand down. Everyone knows you did the reading. How about, uh..."Coach yelled in an unneeded annoyed towards the boy,

But also terribly funny,making Clove leave out a quiet chuckle to herself "McCall!"Coach yelled,making Scott jump in his seat. "What?"Scott mumbled, alarmed.

"The reading?"The man asked, raising his eyebrows "...Last night's reading?"Scott stuttered,giving a hint to Stiles and Clove that Scott hadn't completed his homework once more

"How about, uh, the reading of The Gettysburg Address?"Coach asked, some people chuckled,
And of course Clove and stiles,had indeed spotted Finstock's sarcasm

"That was sarcasm McCall."Coach Finstock spoke as he rubbed his chin with a sassy scoff ,
"'You familiar with the term..sarcasm McCall?"
He asked as Scott rotated his head to Clove and Stiles who grinned silently knowing the comment was addressed to them, the experts of sarcasm

"Yeah uh..very."Scott nodded and gazed his way back over to The Standing man. "Did you do the reading, or not?"he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Scott scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at his desk "Uh, I think I forgot..."Scott mumbled

"Nice work, McCall! It's not like you're not averaging a D in this class."Coach Scoffed as he held his arms up, once more making a few students leave out chuckles, causing Clove to grimace at them and shot at them a quiet 'like you know any better'

"Come on, buddy-- you know I can't keep you on the team if you have a D. How about you summarize, uh, the previous night's reading?"
He asked,but Scott remained silent.

"No? How about the, uh, the night before that?"

"I—uh.."Scott mumbled,shaking his head quickly. "How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire life?"The man asked,The McCall boy staying silent once more

"No? A blog? How about, uh, how about, uh... the back of a cereal box?"Coach Finstock asked,no answer from Scott who looked at him like a lost puppy

"No? How about the adults-only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything?"Coach asked,making a few more students chuckle loudly, At this Point it was getting obvious that Scott was feeling overwhelmed "Stiles.."Clove whispered, but without needing to simplify he worries to stiles

He simply nodded "I know.." he mumbled as he took out the heart monitor, however leaving it unseen from anybody's sights

"Thank you, McCall. Thank you."Coach said clapping sarcastically as he continued "Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for your generation. You just blew it for everybody. Thanks. Next practice, you can start with suicide runs... unless that's too much reading."

Clove noticed the pourcentage of The Heart monitor going up, before slowly lowering down to a normal heartbeat, the brunette and the Stilinski boy shared a glance and gazed over to their best friend,

Clove's look softened as she smiled, taking sight of Allison's hand clutching onto Scott's.


"It's her."Clove exclaimed happily as she walked in between the two boys, on their way out of class, Scott looked down at her in confusion "what do you mean?"

"It's Allison. Remember what you told us about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her." Stiles finished, "okay.."Scott said slowly, not knowing where they were heading with this

"Remember the night of the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field."Stiles said "yeah.."Scott nodded

"Well, so that's what brought you back so you could score. And then, after the game, in the locker room, you didn't kill her—at least, not like how you were trying to kill us."Clove said,
Snapping her fingers

"She brings you back, is what we're saying."
Stiles said, "No, no, no. But it's not always true, because literally every time I'm kissing her, or-or touching her—"

"No, that's not the same. When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex, you know?"Stiles caught off until noticing Scott who seemed dazed, grinning to himself "...You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?"Stiles mumbled knowingly

"Yeah, sorry,"Scott smiled apologetically, "That's fine." Stiles sighed before finishing off with proving his point "Look, back in the classroom, when she was holding your hand, that was different, okay? I don't think she makes you weak-- I-I think she actually gives you control. She's kind of like an anchor."

"You mean, because I love her?"Scott asked, Making Clove gasp happily "you love her?"She echoed, her heart melting in the best way possible "I love her."Scott repeated in confirmation, " That's great! Now, moving on—"Stiles said impatiently

"No, no, no, really-- I think I'm totally in love with her."

"And that's beautiful. Now, before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out, please? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time."Stiles said, Scott shook his head, pushing his romantic thoughts aside and nodded "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Sorry. So, what do I do?"

"I don't know. Yet."Stiles mumbled before slowly turning his head to Scott with a slight smirk "Oh, no. You're getting an idea, aren't you?"Scott mumbled in an alarmed tone


"Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?"Scott asked "you know, knowing stiles, it's probably going to be painful too."Clove spoke up

"Yeah, definitely. Come on!"

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