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"STILES,you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty

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"STILES,you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty."the dispatcher said through the other line of the phone

"I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls...?"Stiles started,Clove's eyes winded as she mouthed to him the words "hang up" several times,but he just shushed her with a wave of the hand

"Odd how?"The man asked from the other line where chatter could be heard from a distance

"Uh, like, an odd person, or..."Stiles said making Clove shake her head rapidly

"A dog-like individual roaming the streets...?"He added,seeing the last attempt of Clove trying to stop him

"I'm hanging up on you now."

"No wait!"Stiles said before a beep from the other line was heard,signaling that the dispatcher had indeed hung up on the boy.


"Your not supposed to be here Clove,especially if your trying to convince me into not playing."
Scott said as he rotated his head at Stiles and the brunette besides him who didn't have a care in the word about currently being in the boys' locker room,

"I just need you to think twice about this Scott."she said as she anxiously ran her fingers through her brunette locks.

"You gonna try to convince me not to play?"Scott asked,speaking her unspoken Idea that she just sighed at.

"I just hope you know what you're doing..."Stiles said

"If I don't play, I lose first line and Allison."Scott said,determined to play tonight,
regardless if he could possibly shift into half an animal during game time.

"Allison's not going anywhere... and it's one game that you really don't need to play."Stiles said,Scott's statement about Allison clearly driving him mad

,which Clove thought was a bit hypocrite of him since Scott could listen to Stiles go on about Lydia for hours without interruptions

"I wanna play!"Scott exclaimed "I wanna be on the team. I wanna go out with Allison. I want a semi-fucking normal life! Do you get that?"

"I get that!"Stiles nodded,raising his tone. Scott who just realized how dramatic he was acting,looked down at the floor shamefully,

He felt a pair of a small palm graze of his shoulder,he looked up as he met gaze with the girl "Just try not to worry too much while you're out there, okay?"She whispered softly

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