chapter 5 the battle begins

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The church over looked the trio walking down the street, sun was going down as the moon rises up the battle would soon begin.

Robin had convinced the three to go look for her mother one last time knowing she will likely never see her again.
She took a bike from the bunker and smiled at both Don and Issablea, she wondered where the ghost would be.

She rode down the streets as it got darker and darker with only the flickering.streets lights to guide her ways.

When she finally arrived at the house both her and her mother stayed she parked her bike and braced herself for what she might find
However all she could see we're the windows left open, no lights on and the door left ajar

Robin tilted her head figuring out why the windows we're open.

Even the curtains had been ripped off.

The house all though bland the average cookie cutter American home with its albiet grey and pale coat of paint.

The wave of dread set into Robin feeling as if the house had come alive. She stepped away from the safety of her bike and grabbed her flash light from her bag and moved into the house open door knowing it very well a trap

But she thought to herself unlike most situations she couldn't just let her mother die like this not like this she thought angrily.

She walked the house like a soldier checking every room with the flash light making sure it was empty, but the longer she stayed the more brighter a strange red light begin to glow inside the house.

A red light that' seemed to come from nowhere but everywhere all at once.

Robin knew her mother was not her the valley must have taken her but what ever the house was doing she felt it was warning her, maybe threatening her perhaps?

Robin looked upstairs to see a small animal, it stared her down from the top floor giving her the creeps

Robin stepped back only for the front door to slam shut locking her in, she looked back at the critter which had vanished.

She gripped her flash light tightly and braced herself for an potential attacker.

Robin was pinned to the ground by a large green creature, it had open flesh wounds bones shown and many legs and as well antennas and claws it tried sailing at Robin only for Robin to block it's attacks with her flash light and grunted because of the overwhelming strength the the giant insect had.

Before the insect could make another lunge at her an explosive blast was fired at the creature causing it puff into a cloud of smoke.

The ghost from the church in his red jacket had appeared, with the same strange green glow the creature who attacked her had.

The boy walked over to Robin helping her up with a smile.

“Sorry I can't properly introduce myself but call me Rory, this house we should leave,” Rory said while both of them looked up the stairs to see a figure instead of the small bunjy like creature had appeared…

Robin felt like it was familiar a strange metallic glow emitted from it.

Robin gasped knowing it was herself standing their up their.crossing it's arms.

Rory grabbed Robins to her suprise he actually had weight to him not like a normal ghost,he kicked the front door down breaking it with his boot.
Robin and Rory ran down the front lawn without looking back.

They both sprinted for there lives for several minutes eventually stopping where she met don and Issablea for the first time.

“Why can I feel you,” Robin asked she felt for sure this kid standing next to him had to be undead.

Rory turned around to his neck where a strange key was sticking out of his neck.

“We have powerful keys in this valley that' allow spirits to become mortal,” Rory said with an almost depressed tone.

“However for me it makes me utterly useless because I can't use my ghostly powers to help don or issabella…,” he said.

“Soul keys I thought those we're myths?” Robin asked she remembered her father having notes on these particular keys when hunting for demons.

Rory just smiled .

“Follow me I have a short cut to the scrapyard I'll warm you though because we are both technically spirits don't follow the light okay?” Rory asked while stepping inside the weird forest Infront of them.

Robin stood there questioning what he meant and she remembered the manaquien figure who had her physical body, she hadn't realised did that' count as her being dead?..

Robin shock her head and took one last glance at her house before following Rory into the great beyond.


Elsewhere Don and Issablea both stood Infront of the scrapyard a large trash pit that' had walls of trahs sorted almost like a corn maze

Don carried a duffle bag full of weapons while Issabella carried a bag full of spells.

And a book which was in a purse.

“Let's hope they won't be late,” Isabella sighed.

Don nodded in agreement. They both approached the scrapyard waiting for the battle ahead.

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