Kian's POV
Finally done! Kian's thought
"Baby? I'm done can I sleep with you na?" I pout looking at Dylan who is currently focused on his phone
"Come here" Dylan said opening his arms so I quickly jumped to the bed to receive the hugs that my baby is offering, damn I love him so much! Kian thought again
"Kian" Dylan
"you don't have work tomorrow right?" Dylan
"yes baby, why?"
"then, can we go here?" Dylan pointed at the screen of his phone showing a photo of a park
"but baby, that's a public place" I protested
"No one will recognize you, just wear multiple clothes to cover you up, pleaseee naa" Dylan pleaded
"No is a No, Dylan" I said and turned my back on him because if I don't he'll continue to pursue this idea of him
"okay" Dylan said in a lowest volume of his voice that Kian didn't even hear it
Dylan's POV
Sometimes I wonder what it will be like to have a partner who shows you off to everyone, Dylan thought because he never experiences such a thing, since Kian is his first and no one actually knows their relationship because Kian told him not to tell anyone even with his twin brother. Dylan understands the situation they're in, Kian is at his peak of career and it would be bad for him to be in a controversy let alone having a relationship with a man, he understands it, as always but today it sets him off, he doesn't want how Kian cut him off because it's been a freaking 6 months before Kian went home due to his busy schedule and Dylan tried to understand him, but this one request of him didn't even made through Kian's second thought so he was angry, angry at his boyfriend and angry at himself for always understanding him.
Kian's POV
It was finally morning,
Kian woke up alone in bed, he stood up ruffling his own hair while trying to call for his boyfriend
"Dylan?"but there was no response coming from any corner of the house
"Dylan?" he calls again but still there's no response coming from the boy so he went back to their room and rummaged his bags to find his phone, he dialed Dylan's number. It took him a few calls before Dylan picked up the call
"Hello Dylan? where are you?" I asked, as irritation is evident in my voice
"I already prepare your breakfast just heat it" Dylan said not even answering his question about his whereabouts
"Dylan, where are you?" I asked again but all I heard was him sighing
"did you just sigh at me?" I asked
"Kian, I'm outside, at the park alone" Dylan explained
"why? I told you that's public right?" I am now irritated at this bunny who doesn't know how to listen to me
"you're protecting your own image, not mine" Dylan said which made me more irritated
"Oh? okay, as you said" I hung up the call and threw my phone on the bed, damn Dylan you're testing my patient early in the morning
more hours have passed and Dylan finally went home but to his surprise his bf is nowhere to be found, even his bags aren't placed to where they are last morning, so he went to the kitchen hoping to find Kian there but what he found was a small sticky notes glued at the door of the refrigerator
"I'm going back to work, thanks for the food" Kian
Dylan's POV
more than being angry he felt more hurt, day by day Kian is changing and the trust that Dylan put into him was somewhat fading and decreasing each time
Even after 6 months of being separated this is what he did, Dylan thought unaware of the tears that are forming on his eyes but before he could even let those tears flow his phone ring, and by the ringtone he knew it was Kian so he answered the call which hurt him more, he was expecting Kian to apologize for leaving but he didn't
"Dylan, are you home? can you check the living room if there were papers on the table? I think I left some" Kian on the other side of the call
"nothing" Dylan said with no kind of emotion in his voice but deep down he wanted to burst out crying but he mustn't.
"oh okay, thanks" and just like that Kian hung up, this time Dylan's eye betrayed him the tears he was trying to hold back was finally let loose by his emotion.
Without a second thought Dylan dialed the cellphone number of his bestfriend Jacob.
"Hello Dylan? is something wrong? you're not usually calling at this hour" Jacob asked
"J-jacob " I stuttered
"Why are you crying? wtf! wait for me, where are you? send me the location real quick!" Jacob said
"I'm at my house right now, can we meet elsewhere pls" I pleaded
"then, at my house" Jacob said
"okay, I'll go there"

Don't Tell Them
Fanfiction"No, Kian I'm tired. I'm tired of always hiding, do I deserve to be treated this way? am I not worthy enough to stand next to you?" Dylan A FourthGemini Taglish AU