Chapter 5 - his twin brother

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At Chula University~

"Lee!" his fans shouted

"I told you to not call me Lee" Asher sigh

"can we ask why you don't want to be called Lee?" his fans asked

"well, my twin and I share the same second name but Dylan uses his second name more than me, so I'll get confused if you call me with that name too, remember he used Lee Mendoza during his pageant?" Asher explained but what he received was continuous giggle from the students

"Well, you guys look exactly the same so I guess being called as one name suits you both" his fans again

Asher can't help but to laugh at his fans idea, he might be seen fighting or scolding his brother all the time but the truth is he is so down bad for his brother.

"What Dylan wants, Dylan gets" a motto of Asher, if they don't wear the same face people might think Asher is Dylan's man because he spoiled him too much, and also he is over protective when it comes to him, his fans remembered that time where Dylan got involved in a major fight inside the campus and Asher uses his privilege as a Student Council President to get back at those students who fought with Dylan. That was indeed a mess, if not only for Jacob and Aldrei those students will not only get expelled but will most likely lose one of their limbs.

Asher might look like an innocent kitty most of the time, but when something comes up concerning his twin brother this kitty is transformed into a ferocious Lion who will attack everyone who goes on his twin brother's way. He always makes sure that Dylan is safe and secure, even those who tried to approach Dylan were silently swept away by him.

"Love, don't you think you're spoiling him too much?" Aldrei ask

"what do you mean?" Asher

"You're the same age, he's grown up and he can handle things in his own way" Aldrei added

"I know, but look at him compared to me? he's just an innocent bunny so it's my job to keep him safe" Asher explained

"How would he learn to fight for himself if you always fight for his sake?" Aldrei asked again

"Love, stop it already. Dylan is my only family, he's my life so I'll do whatever it takes to make him safe and happy" Asher replied

"But Love—" Aldrei was about to ask something again but Asher's phone rang showing the name of Dylan on the screen and the boy immediately picked it up

On the line
Hello, Dylan wassup?

Kuya, do you have your powerbank on you? I didn't bring my laptop charger with me I need to recharge it my assignment is in there and I need to pass it before lunch and it's 10am already.

I didn't bring mine either, but I am outside I can just get yours at the house, wait for me at the cafeteria then, I'll bring it to you

Really!? Thank you kuyaaa! the best ka talaga, ingat ka ah, I love you!

I know, I know stop embarrassing me, okay then I'll go ahead, I love you too.

"Oho, look at that smile, why don't you look at me the same way Love?" Aldrei nagged at his bf

"Shut it up, now let's go I need to get something from the house" Asher shut Aldrei up and quickly packed up his things

30 minutes later and the twin met up at the University's Cafeteria

"Thank you so much Kuya, you saved me again!" Dylan said and hugged his twin brother

"Yas, I know you owe me an ice cream date then?" Asher pat his brother's head

"Okay okay, later then let's go to the mall, byebye Kuya" Dylan waved his hand at his brother and ran to his classroom again

Asher is now walking outside the cafeteria when he bumped into someone

"Arghh!" someone exclaimed

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Asher tried to lift the man up

"Oh! Kuya! Sorryy nagmamadali kase ako, did you see Dylan?" Jacob

"Oh, Jacob, ikaw pala yan. Oo kakapasok lang niya sa room nila, bat nandito ka pala? ang layo ng department mo dito ah?" Asher asked

"Oh, nagluto ako ng lunch kuya for me and for Dylan sabay kami kakain" Jacob smiled

"Oho? wait a minute, Jacob dinidiskartehan mo ba si Dylan?" Asher asked again

"What!? no kuya! Dylan is like my brother, don't worry I don't have any romantic feeling for him" Asher and Jacob both laughed

"Okay, I'm just asking don't be too defensive" Asher teased him

"Oho, kuya stop it I know what you're trying to say, but trust me okay? Dylan is my brother and nothing more than that but since you're asking for romantic feelings, would you mind giving me the phone number of the Vice President of Student council?" Jacob smirked

"You're interested with Love? don't be she's dating the secretary already" Asher chuckled

"Oh! that hurts!" Jacob playfully pat his chest

"Okay, let's end the conversation here as I need to attend my own class, byebye na" Asher said and left.

"See how protectice your Kuya is to you Dylan, what will happen if he find out about your secret, we we're both dead if that happen, I swear to God." Jacob thought

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