Being reborn into Naruto isn't something you'd expect when you just wanted to go to sleep.
In any case Aki woke up in Naruto as a character that never even existed in the anime to begin with.
Is she mad? No, not really. Sad? Yes, maybe.
Does she pla...
[I got a job so I'm trying to do as much draft as possible as I won't be able to work on it or post as often anymore]
"You're kidding, you're really a glutton for punishment, aren't ya." Kiba smirked causing Naruto to give out a small smile wipping Kiba's smirk from his face.
"Okay, it's your funeral. I'm gonna make sure you don't get up again." Kiba said rushing towards Naruto and Akamaru by his side.
"How many times are you gonna use that move?" Naruto asked.
"Just once more!" Kiba said using Fang over Fang as Naruto jumped into the air barely avoiding it.
They proceed to us another smokescreen and unleashing endless amount of Fang over Fang onto Naruto.
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"Ha! Looks like you've ran out of gas kid." Kiba said as the smoked cleared up.
"Yeah! Bring it on dog breath cause no matter how many clones of yourself you make I'll still have enough gas to beat you!"
"Ha! You always got a snappy comeback." Kiba smirked. "Let's see you come back from this!"
"Ready, Akamaru?" Kiba asked to which his partner growled in excitement while Naruto laughed.
The two of them rushed towards Naruto smoke booms in hand and throwing it incasing the area in purple smoke and using Fang over Fang repeatedly.
"What's going on? I can't see." Sakura said in worry.
You know even though I already know what's going to happen, I still can't help but worry.
"Here we go!" Kiba said but stopped midway. As the smoke started clearing off revealing three Kiba instead of two.
"Perfect! Good one Naruto!" Sakura cheered. "Brilliant!"
"It's genius."
"He made himself look like, Kiba. Now Kiba doesn't know which one to go after." Sakura said. "He got to be careful because he might be attack Akamaru."
"And meanwhile Naruto is safe attack either one." Lee said. "Brilliant idea!"
"He got him complete stuck, ha."
"Okay, I see you've gotten better at transformation jutsu, but you forget one little thing? I admit you look just like me and that threw me off for a minute, but I still know which one of you." He said.
"You can't hide from me, wanna know why?" Kiba asked pushing another one of himself. "I can smell ya, kid. There's just no getting past our sense of smell."
'True with Kiba's sense of smell it does out anyone who does this at a disadvantage, but........'