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The sound of children's laughter and peoples conversation swept through the air. You could hear merchants selling their wares and children playing with friends. You could hear the pounding of heals against cobble and in the distance hooves pounding against dirt.

When Merlin first got to Camelot the noise was quite overwhelming. Having grown up in a small village such as Ealdor, he wasn't used to it.  But now as he strolled through the streets he has grown fond of, the bustling city life of Camelot was a comfort to him.

He had been delivering Gaius's remedies all afternoon, and was quite thankful for the respite he got on his walk back to the castle before he finished his rounds.

He had already passed some of his favorite shops to go to, including Tina's Baked Goods, and was now carrying two muffins and a loaf of baked bread. Tina, a robust woman with chestnut hair that was always lightly dusted with flour, had apparently been worried about him being "so skinny, you could fly away at the lightest wind!". So she had given it to him for free.

He usually didn't like when people made comments about his weight but Tina with her honey eyes had said it so sweetly and concerned that he couldn't do much to deny it. Plus he figured that he could share it with Gwen as he knew how much she loved muffins. He would share with Arthur, but Arthur being the royal prat he is, refuses to eat food that isn't cooked in the palace by a professional.

Now that he thought of it he hoped that the prat was doing the paperwork that's been on his desk and not goofing off with the knights like usual. Though Arthur would call it training rather than goofing off, he never really did much but swing his sword around as he watched the knights spar.

Speaking of knights he can see two heading his way right now. He quickly jogs towards them to start a conversation but before he can even get out a simple greeting, they've grabbed him by his arms are dragging him through the streets.

He tries to ask what's happening. "Wait... where are we going... what are yo-" Before he can get a full question out one of the knights speaks up.
"We're taking you to the king." The knight that speaks has a lower tone of voice but he speaks clearly and with determination. And wait he recognized that voice. "Tom?" He looks up at the knight holding his right arm and sees deep brown hair and ash grey eyes looking forward with sadness, face locked in place. "Tom, what's.. what's going on? Why is this happening? He asks his voice cracking in nervousness. Tom looks at him, his features screaming concern. "Mer-" he gets interrupted by the second knight. A man with reddish grey hair and hard black eyes. He is short and stout in nature. "Don't speak to him. No one is to talk to him before he meets the king." His voice leaves no room for discussion. The rest of the trip is in silence.


Hi this is my first Merlin Fic!
Thanks for reading!
Constructive criticism is welcomed!

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