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The council room was almost silent except for Sir Leons voice droning on about reports and the soft snores of more than a few knights. For the amount of council sessions there are in a day, they really do continue for an ungodly amount of time. King Arthur himself can feel his head start to dip when the council doors are burst open.

"Sire, I have news of a sorcerer in Camelot! It is most urgent!" His uncle agravaines voice booms through the silence. A small moment of shock takes over the council before all hell breaks loose. "Where?!" "A sorcerer?! In Camelot?!" "No sorcerer would be stupid enough to come here!" "What evidenc-" "SILENCE!" The king yells and the room stills. The sleeping knights now at full attention.

"Sir Agravaine," he pointedly addresses. "Where did you hear this?" He looks directly at his uncle his jaw tense. "I have brought the servant who made the report." He looks to his right at a small woman, a brunette with pale green eyes. "Speak." He tells her. She moves forward slowly and glances around the room nervously. The  council becomes impatient.

"Speak woman! We do not have all day!" She flinches away from their yells and hesitantly makes eye contact with the king. "Please, tell me what you saw." He speaks with concern. She glances at Agravaine. "I was ou-out in the courtyard... t-to get water for the...  kitchens," she says uncertainly. "When I got close to the well I... I saw a bucket.. in the air moving by... by itself. It was magic..." She was looking at Agravaine again. The king was uncertain.

"Are you sure of what you saw?" "Yes... I am certain that it was... was magic." Her voice was even. The council looked around cautious and unsure. "Did you see the sorcerer? Did you recognize them?" The king asked, wanting to get to the bottom of it. She looks at Agravaine again, he tilts his head the slightest bit and her light with new found determination.

"I did sire, but you may not like the answer." She looks him in the eyes. "Who was it? Speak up. Do not be afraid." Agravaine speaks with patience and empathy. Not his usual way of speaking. The king didn't notice it though too focused on the thought that someone may have betrayed him. He almost didn't want to here the rest but knew he had to for he had a duty to his people.

"Yes you have no reason to be afraid, no harm will come to you. Please tell us." The king reassured her. This time she spoke with a tone of remorse. "I recognized him as... well as your servant my lord." The room froze. "It was Merlin." The room erupted.

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