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Gasps rang about the room, all heads turned to him. Arthur spoke again, his voice just barely even. "If you do not deny these claims then I have no choice but to punish you according to Camelots laws. So I ask you again, Do. You. Deny. Using. Sorcery." He was silent for a moment trying to recover his voice when Gaius spoke.

"Merlin..." He couldn't help but look up into his mentors eyes. Gaius faced was scrunched with worry as he pleaded to Merlin with his eyes. Merlin pleaded back hoping that Gaius would understand before lowering his head once more "I do not deny these claims."

He could hear Gwen whispering no as she covered her mouth with her hand, fearful for her friend. "MERLIN!" Arthur was mad now as he rose from his seat. But Merlin was just tired. "What do you wish to hear from me sire, I cannot-" "I WISH to hear you DENY these claims!!"

Merlin looked up at his king his eyes full of regret as he watched Arthurs eyes fill with unshed tears. "I cannot sire. I wish I could but I can't." His voice was soft. "I have magic." Arthur turned away from him not able to look at him anymore. Merlin could feel the others eyes on him but he couldn't look away from king. "I am sorry Arthur. I truly am but you must know that I would never hurt you-" his apology was cut off by Agravaine.

"HA, you have done worse than hurt him sorcerer, you have betrayed him." He spoke from the sidelines slowly moving forward. "You have betrayed Camelot, the kingdom that welcomed you with open arms. You have betrayed everyone's trust by participating in such evil practices! And for that you will be burned." Merlin glared towards him he really hated this man.

"You Agravaine," his name said with venom. "Do not get to tell me about betrayal! Not when you've been working with Morgause the entire time that you've been here!" He's standing now facing off towards Agravaine. At the mention of Morgause Arthur turns around towards his uncle. "What? What is he talking about uncle?" Everyone is now staring at Agravaine.

Agravaine stumbles his words a bit before clearing his throat. "Hes lying!! I would never betray you!" He pulls out his sword and points it towards Merlin. "YOU!! You're a traitor and a liar. I have every reason to run you through right now to stop you from spewing such ugly distruths!" The sound of many swords unsheathing is heard.

Agravaine seems about to swing but Merlin is much faster. He lifts his hand as his eyes glow gold and Agravaine is thrown back against the pillars, his sword completely flung from his hand. The knights all have their swords out some pointed at Merlin but others at Agravaine.

Merlin lowers his hand and looks around at the people he called his friends, they were staring at him few with fear but more with betrayal, some weren't looking at him at all to focused on Agravaine as he scrambled to get up.
"SEE!! SEE!! HE JUST TRIED TO KILL ME!! HE IS EVIL INCARNATE!!" Agravaine seemed a little touchy.

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