The night has fallen

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As the night settled under the full moon, Kassandra led the group into Gelle's territory, where they were met by a vast assembly of supernatural creatures. Gelle, accompanied by the ancient evil witch Ophilia and Alastra her wife, stood waiting. Ophilia's maniacal laughter echoed through the air.

"Mother," Alastair greeted Alastra bitterly.

"You won't be laughing for long," Kassandra's voice rang, cutting through the noise and reaching Ophilia's ears with an eerie clarity. Immediately, both sides scattered, preparing for battle.

Blaze and Marco spread their Phoenix wings, soaring into the sky and circling the moon before diving down at incredible speed. Their swords pierced the ground, sending a wave of fire rippling outward in all directions. Kassandra quickly cast a protective shield, as did Ophilia, but several enemies were consumed by the flames, vanishing in an instant. Blaze and Marco stood back-to-back, effortlessly cutting down their foes with their swords.

Ophilia, seeing her forces faltering, retreated, hiding behind her puppets. Kassandra pursued her relentlessly, obliterating every enemy in her path. Meanwhile, Kai chanted an incantation, summoning a swarm of bees to distract the enemy, followed by two massive serpents that launched themselves at the attackers.

Alastair attempted to psychically link with their enemies, but he failed. Aliyah conjured nightmares to torment their enemies on sight while a group of hybrid creatures charged at them Giuseppe drained the life from one enemy after another, and Rio froze them solid, sending shards of ice through the battlefield. Werewolves shifted into their lycan forms, but Alastair and the others wasted no time, cutting them down with brutal efficiency.

Alastair tried again to connect with their enemies psychically, this time sensing something stronger. "They're all linked to one person," he muttered. Just then, a bearded man appeared, and the group felt an overwhelming wave of pain. Giuseppe quickly grabbed the man's arm, enduring the pain as best he could until the man collapsed unconscious.

A group of witches stepped forward, but Kai reacted swiftly. Feeling the roots of trees and plants beneath the earth, he commanded them to rise and attack. Massive roots erupted from the ground, slithering like serpents, crushing the house and revealing even more supernatural creatures.

Rio, seeing the battle intensify, focused on the atoms around him. With a raise of his hand, he manipulated the atoms of his enemies' blood, skin, and organs. He crushed their hearts, distorted their bodies, and deprived them of air until they fell unconscious. Grinning, he pushed further, igniting combustion inside his enemies, burning them from within.

Amidst the chaos, rival and allied witches exchanged spells and incantations. Anthony, using his vampire speed, fought with hand-to-hand combat until the witches' spells forced him to flee in fear.

The battle continued as darkness and fire clashed under the full moon.

The enemies seemed endless, some of them were undead. Suddenly, Aliyah realized one thing.

"We are inside the illusion," she said.

"𝑳𝒖𝒙𝒖𝒎!" they chanted in unison. Before them, their real enemies appeared, outnumbered, with only the strongest hybrids and tribrids left.

"That's why learning magic is also important," Kai muttered, and they all hummed in agreement.

Eddie appeared in front of Gelle, quickly attacking him from every angle. Gelle was thrown up and down, his body crashing against the walls as they crumbled around them.

Five of them faced nine witches, one of whom was a pure vampire capable of creating illusions. Giuseppe charged at them but was swiftly stopped by one of the witches, who inflicted pain and immobilized him. They all yelled as Giuseppe groaned in agony, screaming on the ground. The witch was about to cast a death spell when a flaming arrow pierced her heart, and she burned to ashes. Regaining his control, Giuseppe dashed forward. Anthony cast a shield around him, granting him invisibility from afar. They crossed their arms, watching as Giuseppe cut the heads of their enemies with lethal precision using his claws. The remaining two managed to flee in terror.

Book 1 - The Lycan's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now