4 | Building Anticipation

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Lena awoke to the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains of her hotel room, feeling more refreshed than she had in weeks. There was a lightness in the air this morning, a stark contrast to the unease she'd felt at dinner the night before. After stretching, she slipped into comfortable clothes and grabbed her book before heading out to find breakfast.

A few blocks from her hotel, Lena stumbled upon a quaint café with a cozy vibe and the smell of fresh coffee drifting out the door. She ordered a simple breakfast—avocado toast and black coffee—and settled into a corner by the window, her copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince open in front of her. She ate slowly, savoring the quiet moments, while the hum of the café buzzed around her.

The city was beginning to feel more familiar, and the lingering tension from last night's mysterious paid dinner had faded. Lena felt relaxed, more grounded, as she turned the pages of her book and got lost in the world of Hogwarts for the next hour.

After finishing her breakfast, she tucked the book back into her bag and decided to spend her morning exploring the Manchester Art Museum. It wasn't far from the hotel, and she had plenty of time before the concert tonight. The museum's halls were peaceful, filled with both contemporary works and classic pieces. Lena wandered from gallery to gallery, taking in the art with a sense of calm that hadn't fully settled in her since she left home.

But in the back of her mind, the excitement of the evening ahead was slowly building. Every so often, her thoughts drifted to the concert, and her heart would start to race. By the time she returned to the hotel in the afternoon, the anticipation was buzzing just beneath her skin.

Back in her room, Lena stood in front of the mirror, grinning at her reflection as she danced around the small space. She had Billie's songs on full blast, letting the familiar beats fill the air as she got ready. Her outfit was simple but stylish—her favorite jeans, a tank top, silver accessories and some sneakers she had been saving for the occasion.

 Her outfit was simple but stylish—her favorite jeans, a tank top, silver accessories and some sneakers she had been saving for the occasion

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As she smudged her eyeliner, Lena found herself humming the lyrics to "when the party's over," her heart swelling with excitement. She twirled around the room, jumping up and down to "Bad Guy," feeling the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her stomach fluttered every time she thought about the pit, the concert, and especially Billie.

"Will she notice me again?" Lena wondered aloud as she applied the finishing touches to her makeup. She caught her own reflection staring back at her in the mirror. The thought seemed impossible. How could Billie, who met hundreds of fans at every show, remember one girl from Detroit? Lena shook her head, feeling silly for even entertaining the idea.

"Get real, Lena," she muttered, trying to push the thought aside. Billie was a global superstar. Sure, their moment in Detroit had been unforgettable, but to think Billie could remember her seemed... far-fetched. Still, the flutter in her stomach wouldn't go away.

Once her makeup was done, Lena grabbed her bag, checked that her concert ticket was safe, and headed out the door. The short walk to CO-OP Live felt like it was happening in a blur, her body humming with anticipation.

Lena arrived at the venue an hour early, just as she had planned. The scene outside the arena was electric, with fans already lined up, chatting excitedly and singing along to Billie's songs blasting from portable speakers. Some were dressed in her merch, while others sported creative outfits inspired by Billie's iconic style.

After showing her ticket and collecting her wristband for the pit, Lena found herself swept up in the buzz of the crowd. She joined in as fans belted out the lyrics to "Ocean Eyes," the sense of community making her feel instantly connected to everyone around her. Even though she was alone, she didn't feel isolated here. They were all here for the same reason—to experience something magical.

As the minutes ticked down and the doors prepared to open, Lena's heart raced with excitement. She was about to be back in the pit again, waiting for Billie to take the stage. The energy in the air was palpable, and for the first time, she felt completely ready for whatever the night had in store.

No matter what happened, tonight was going to be unforgettable.

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