3 | A Taste of Magic

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Lena stepped out of her cab, the cool autumn breeze of Manchester brushing her face. She took a deep breath, letting the crisp air fill her lungs as she gazed at the bustling city around her. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the old brick buildings and modern glass towers that dotted the skyline. This was it—her spontaneous adventure halfway across the world for a Billie Eilish concert.

Her hotel was just a short walk from the CO-OP Live arena, and after checking in, Lena couldn't resist the urge to explore. The concert wasn't until tomorrow, but there was something exciting about wandering the streets of a new city with no set plan, just the thrill of knowing that tomorrow would bring her back to the pit. The thought made her smile as she slipped her hotel key into her bag and headed out.

The cobblestone streets were alive with people—locals and tourists alike—filling the cafes, shops, and pubs that lined the roads. Lena walked aimlessly for a while, letting the energy of the city guide her. She passed a few quirky bookstores, their windows filled with tattered second-hand novels, and cozy coffee shops with the hum of conversation spilling out onto the street. But as the evening wore on, her stomach began to grumble, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since the flight.

After a quick search on her phone, she found a place that caught her eye—Turtle Bay Manchester Northern Quarter. It was known for its Caribbean dishes, and more importantly, it had highly recommended vegan options, which was a relief given her dairy allergy. She wasn't vegan, but she knew vegan meals would be a safe bet. She set off, the short walk taking her past more lively streets and the occasional flash of street art, until she arrived at the restaurant.

The inside of Turtle Bay was packed, filled with the buzz of conversation and the aroma of spices that made Lena's mouth water as soon as she walked in. Warm lights hung low over the tables, casting a cozy glow, and the sound of reggae music played softly in the background. She was seated at a small table by the window, her view of the busy street framed by the soft flicker of candles on the table.

Looking over the menu, she quickly settled on the vegan jerk chicken with sweet potato fries. The waiter nodded approvingly as she placed her order, offering a smile before disappearing into the crowd. Lena pulled out her copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, feeling it was the perfect book for this trip. Fitting, really—England, magic, and the sense of adventure she had felt the moment she booked her ticket.

As she waited for her meal, Lena couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. This was the furthest she'd ever been from home, but sitting in this vibrant restaurant, reading her favorite book, she didn't feel alone. Tomorrow, she would be in the pit again, screaming her heart out with thousands of others. That thought alone kept her grounded.

Halfway through her chapter, Lena felt a strange sensation prickle at the back of her neck. She had that unmistakable feeling of being watched. The restaurant was busy, and the tables were full, but this feeling was oddly persistent. She kept her eyes trained on the pages in front of her, not wanting to look around and come off as paranoid. After all, this wasn't her city, and it wasn't like she knew anyone here.

Shaking off the unease, she focused on her book again, her fingers gently trailing the lines of text. It's nothing, she told herself. Just the nerves from traveling.

Soon, her food arrived, and the waiter placed the vegan jerk chicken and fries in front of her with a warm smile. The smell was intoxicating—the rich spices of the jerk sauce mixing with the sweetness of the fries. Lena took her first bite, and her taste buds lit up with flavor. It was everything the reviews had promised and more. She couldn't help but close her eyes for a moment, savoring the warmth of the spices that spread across her tongue.

As she continued eating, the feeling of being watched faded, and she lost herself in the comfort of the meal and the world of Hogwarts. When she finally finished, she reached for the bill, ready to settle up and head back to her hotel for a quiet evening.

But when the waiter returned, he didn't have the bill in hand.

"Your bill has been taken care of, miss," he said with a smile.

Lena blinked, confusion knitting her brow. "What? I didn't—what do you mean?"

"Someone already paid for your meal," he said, his smile growing a little wider, as if he knew something she didn't.

Lena's heart skipped a beat. Who could have possibly paid for her meal? She didn't know a soul in Manchester, let alone anyone who would be at this restaurant. She quickly scanned the room, trying to see if there was someone she might recognize, but everyone seemed engrossed in their own meals and conversations.

"But... who?" she asked, her voice quieter now, more curious than confused.

The waiter merely shrugged. "I'm afraid I can't say. They asked to remain anonymous."

Lena sat back in her chair, the warmth of the restaurant suddenly feeling a bit surreal. Someone here had paid for her dinner. But who? And why? She ran through the possibilities in her head. It couldn't have been a friend—she had come to Manchester alone, and she hadn't told anyone where she was going except for a few close friends back home. The thought crossed her mind that it could be a stranger, some random act of kindness. But something about the whole situation didn't feel random.

The prickle at the back of her neck returned as she gathered her things, slipping her book into her bag. She thanked the waiter once more and left the restaurant, stepping out into the cool night air. As she walked back to her hotel, her mind spun with possibilities. Could it be someone from the concert tomorrow? A fan who had recognized her from Detroit? Or was it... something else entirely?

The streets were quieter now, and as she rounded the corner toward her hotel, Lena couldn't shake the feeling that her trip to Manchester was about to get even more interesting than she had originally planned.

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