Chapter 3.

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The ambulances finally got to my house and Andrew and I lead the paramedics upstairs to Brian. They lifted his blood-soaked body and took it downstairs. They put it on a gurney and got into the back of the ambulance. Andrew and I climbed into the ambulance as well, and we were on our way to the hospital. Andrew was sitting down and I was standing next to Brian. There was a heart reader attached to him, and thank God, he was still breathing. When we finally got to the hospital, the paramedics rushed him into a room. About 5 minutes later, the heart reader started beeping really loudly. Brain was having trouble breathing! "Brian!" I shouted. All the doctors rushed over to my brother. "Grab those!" one nurse said. Another doctor grabbed a pair of some stapler-looking things. (A/N; You know, those things you see in movies and on shows that sometime revive people?) "Clear!" a nurse said. The staple thingy's were on Brian's chest and the nurses zapped him with them. "Again!" the nurse said. They zapped him again but this time, the heart reader stopped beeping and there was nothing to read.

Aweh! Brian died!:\. Poor kid.<3. Well, I hope you guys like my stories! Please let me know what you think of them. Thanks! Kbyee.(:.

P.S.. Chapter 4 up in a bit.(:.


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