Chapter 5.

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Hey guys!! I'm so sorry I made yhuu guys wait this long!! I've been SOOOOO busy && I keep forgetting to upload!! I haven't even written more yet!! Well enough with the chatting, here's the story!(:.<3.


"Honey what happened?" my parents asked me. "Andrew, will you explain?" I asked him. "Yeah," he said. While he explained what happened, I say down and put my head in my hands. I started thinking about how life would be without Brian. When Andrew finished explaining to my parents, a nurse walked in. "So. How did this little accident happen exactly?" she asked us. "Well, when Brian was trying to turn on the water to take a bath, he accidentally turned the knob for the shower, and when the water came down, he slipped and hit his head on the back of the bathtub and got knocked out unconscious." Andrew explained. "Ahh. I see," the nurse said. She was holding a folder in her hands. She took out some x-ray pictures. "Well, here are some x-rays of Brian's skull. It looks like when he fell and hit his head, a part of his skull had gotten cracked, causing brain damage, leading to concussion. And also some bleeding from the brain. The concussion seems to be what caused his death.". My parents, Andrew and I stared at his x-rays. And our eyes filled with tears.

AWEH! SO SAD! I might upload some more tonight, I don't know. Maybe. But if not, then hopefully tomorrow. Ohhkaee guys. Keep reading, voting, && commenting. I love yhuu all! Deuces.(:.<3.


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