Chap 13

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"What's your favorite movie ?" Cameron asked. We were currently on my bed sitting having a get to know eachother session.It's been two weeks since what happened and mom and dad have us both on lock down I guess they are both afraid and they are still working out some stuff with the family that saved Cameron. Dad said he has a job in his company that is well paying that the man can do.

"The Hangover," I smiled and he gasped.I raised an eyebrow."What?".

"Oh nothing you seem more like the horror movie type of guy," he replied and I raised my eyebrows again,"What ? It's true I mean you had this whole I am a bad boy vibe."



"What do you look like ?" I asked shyly .

He snorted,"Okay.. so picture Channing Tatum," I nodded visualizing him inside my head,"Now picture a short,skinnier and much uglier version of him...and you got me,"he chuckled at his own joke which I didnt was funny I bet he is amazing.

"Well how do I look like to you?" I asked while playing with my fingers.I wonder if I got my sight back and be normal if he would like me.

"You're taller than me but I can lift you up because I am mad strong, you have amazing emerald eyes that look blue sometimes which is weird but amazing and you have an addicting smile," I felt my face heating up.It felt good to have him talk about me but I wanted to know what he looked like, I wanted to see his smile , he blush, I wanted everything.

"You okay Nathan ?" He asked worriedly snapping me out of thought and I nodded quickly making him sigh in relief.

"Nathan do you still see or hear him?"the question caught me off guard and I wasn't sure how to explain it to him."Never mind it's not my business."

"I don't ..and it was never really Adam, well I am trying to accept everything as it is now.It's hard some days but you make it better," I smiled to myself. He really did make everything better since Cameron entered my life it hasn't been easy but I accept it.

"Well that's no good , I wanted to give you a migraine," he joked and pushed my shoulder playfully and that's when I realized I didn't flinch or got mad like I did before. It felt like how everything was before he left, not as good I mean Adam will always have this special place in my life forever but now so does Cameron. I think Adam would be proud of me he was always a little upset about how much I depended on him, well more like afraid that if something ever happened to him what I would do.

I took a deep breath as a brilliant idea popped into my head, I took my hand reaching out for his and pulled him close. "Cameron close your eyes let my feel your face."

He mumbled,"Okay." I smiled and pushed my body closer to him as I traced my hand lightly across his face.His face was very smooth, I spend a while just caressing his cheek and a small content sigh escaped his lips. My thumb grazed his soft lips and without thinking I angled my face and rest my lips on his.

He gasped but kissed me back anyway opening his mouth allowing me more entrance .There was no fight for dominace he gave in right away . His hands grabbed my sides pulling me on top of him as he laid down in the bed.

"Wow!" He said in awe after five minutes of a heated make out session.I smirked still on top of him with both hands on either side of h trapping him beneath me and my legs between his causing my crotch to touch his.

I leaned in kissing his lips one more time before trailing down his neck.He gasped and I smirked knowing I found his soft spot before ravishing on that one spot causing many loud moans to leave his lips.

"Boys!" Mom shouted from downstairs and I groaned before kissing his lips one more time before sitting up.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom,"Cameron whispered. I should of done that a long time ago he tasted amazing-

"Nathan!" Cameron shouted making me jump in surprise I heard stomping before it stopped in front of me and I saw a faint shadow of Cameron."Do you see this?!" He hissed and I raised my eyebrow questionly at him.

"Oh right. Well let me tell you my neck is covered in hickies,"I smirked and he let a loud groan before tapping me in the head.

"Ow!But now I wish I would see them, all artists must admire their work," I joked and he groaned again before stomping out of my room.

"Boys come down for dinner and stop sucking your faces off!" Mom shouted again and I chuckled as I heard Cameron groan before stomping down the hall and I quickly followed behind.

"Cameron I am so sorry I will have someone check that golf ball machine in the morning ," mom said as we ate pizza.

"What?" He questioned and I forced back a laugh knowing what mom was talking about.

"Your neck darling , those golf balls attacked you right?" She giggled and Cameron groaned.

"Darn those golf balls," dad joked and we all chuckled ,well excpet for Cameron he mumbled something about killing Nathan but I didn't pay too much attention to it .


Hello my people! That was my first kind of sexual scene I had to turn the A.C in my room because it was getting rather hot in here :') Tell me what you think .

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