Chap 5

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" Nathan," I whispered as I patted around the bed looking for him but the spot that was once occupied by the person I poured my heart and soul out to was no longer there but cold spot and a horrible feeling in my chest filled it. A buzzing sound snapped me out of my moment of sadness and I quickly realized it was my cell phone.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly while I rubbed my eyes and stretched lazily.

"Cammy," a hoarse yet sweet voice said on the phone.

"Mom?" I asked doubtfully. God please don't let be her she sounds even worse.

"Yes sweety....How......How is it?" She asked between harsh coughs and I winced as I thought about her fragile body and her shaved head and her thin hands and fingers shaking.

"It's... It's okay, Nathan is pretty nice , he's blind and kind of rude but it's all a front you know, I looked into his emerald eyes and saw the real him, he's just like me," I went on and on about Nathan without even realizing it.

"Cammy's got a crush?" She said in a sing song hoarse voice and I felt my face heating up.

"What? No! Anyway mom are you getting better?" I asked hopefully and received a few harsh coughs in reply making my eyes swell with tears." promised mom," I said matching her hoarse tone while wiping away my tears.

"Cammy.. You know I'm trying.... The doctors said there is hope... The medication is finally working," she said between coughs and I sighed and wiped more tears that were flooding my face.She's lying I know she is.

"Can't... Cant I come stay with you at the hospital?" I asked hopefully and I heard a long sigh. She doesn't want me with her, she says it's because hospitals are depressing and she wants me to go to school and a long list of lies.

truth is she just doesn't want me to see her die.

Truth is I don't think I can handle it either.

"Cameron stop crying," she soothed me through the phone, even in her hoarse harsh voice, she still sounded like an angel, just like when I was five and she adopted me and I used to have nightmares of my old abusive home and she would sing sweet songs until I fell asleep and just before I fell asleep she would kiss my forehead and say

Good night mi pequeño luchador

Which meant 'good night my little fighter' . Noises started to fill her background and she started coughing more and panic started filling my body.

"Mom!" I shouted hoarsely as I put my hand on my  aching heart.

"I'm fine, but I have to go," she said between coughs," Good bye mi pequeño luchador," a beeping sound rang through my ears and I angrily threw my phone across the room.

"Stupid! I can't be strong!!" I shouted frantically kicking and throwing things around while tears flooded my red face and I willingly let them fall." I can't be strong! I 'm breaking mom, Elizabeth! I can't be strong for you two anymore!" I shouted as I banged my head on the wall as I let out desperate sobs.

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