Chapter 11: Pancake Pop's Diner

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We were crouching on our way down the hall to the kitchen, holding our shoes, making sure we didn't make a sound. 

It was almost close to curfew, and the last thing we wanted was to get caught. I got to admit to you, the feeling was extra thrilling. Never thought Belle and Sulli had this rebellious, thrilling side.

Slowly opening the kitchen door, Belle walks in first, double-checking the area; she opens the door widely for us to enter. Sulli leads us to the back of the kitchen; there is a small wooden door across the rack of potatoes and carrots. Sulli quickly rummages the top cabinets and lifts up a key she found.

"Bingo," she smirks and quickly runs to the small wooden door. We were all covering our mouths as the excitement thrill was creeping in our skins.

"Let's go," Belle whispers.

The door opens, and we were greeting by the cold breeze from the outside. It seems this is where the cooks bring freshly harvested vegetables, as we saw a bunch of pumpkins outsdide.
The cold air starts hitting us, and you can just smell the pine trees. I love the smell of pine trees, especially at night. The way they remind you of Christmas. Deep inside, I always think when Edward from Twilight will show up.

"C'mon, the bikes are this way," Sulli whispers, leading us to the back where an old gate is located; it seems to be hardly used since it is covered with vines. She slowly opens the gate, and there were 2 bikes waiting for us behind a pine tree, covered in black wool.

"Are these bikes yours?" I smiled at them.

"These are actually mine and Seth's; he gave it to us for these shenanigans." Sulli grinned and climned on her bike. "C'mon, Sofie, you can ride with me."

I climend and stood on the back pedal attached to her back wheel. "Let's go," as I make sure my posture is right and we start moving.

The cold wind hits my face making me breathe in the smell around me.

After a good 15 minutes, we made it to the diner Belle and Sulli were talking about. It was called Pancake Pop's Diner. Scanning the area, it wasn't busy, and there aren't many parked cars.

Parking our bike in front of the diner, we made our way in, and a huge hoist of laughter welcomed us. At the end booth were Vince, Seth, Jasper, and Clive with 2 girls that go to SNA.

"I can't believe they're here; I really want to enjoy a good burger in peace." Belle groans.

A sweet old lady walks up to us with a sweet smile "Sulli, Belle-" gives them a quick hug. "C'mon, I have a table already resevered for you." She leads us to the opposite side booth, but you can still clearly see the guys's table.

"Thank's Pearl." We gave her a sweet smile; she then looks at me with surprise, "And who is this cutie?" I felt my cheeks turn pink as I gave her a shy smile.

"This is Sofie." Sulli introduces me while scanning the menu.

"Honey, why are you looking at the menu when I already know what you want?" She puts her hand on her hip, jokingly scolding Sulli. "Chocolate shake and apple pie, correct?"

Sulli nodded with a grin. "You know me so well."

Pearl looks at Belle, "Cheeseburger and diet coke." Belle gives her a two thumbs up while nodding. She then looks at me and says, "How about you, sweetheart?"

I quickly looked through the menu and said, "Fries and an ice tea, please." I smiled at her.

She jotted down my order and made her way to the kitchen.

"I guess you guys are regulars here?" I look at my two friends. They both nodded in union, making us giggle. At the corner of my eye, I can't help but do a quick glance at Clive's booth.

You can clearly see girl number one talking to him while he is looking at his phone. He was clearly not paying attention. For a quick second, he looks up, and suddenly our eyes catch each other. He looks surprised, and I quickly scoot down my seat.

"What's wrong?" Belle asked, looking at me surprised at my current position.

"I think Clive saw us." I covered my face with the menu.

"Hola, my beautiful sister." Seth walks up to our table, "Isn't it past your curfew SNA girls?"

"Was craving for some milkshakes and burgers, big bro. What about you guys? Isn't Jacob doing watch guard at your building?" Sulli asks.

"A simple bribery doesn't hurt, little sister." Seth chuckles and scoots her sister so he can sit in our booth.

I felt an arm draped over my shoulder, and it, I know, wasn't the girls; this one was heavier, and you can smell the smokey axe smell. It wasn't strong but pleasant for the nose.

"Hmm, I wonder where Sofie could be?" the arm owner spoke. I slowly peeked from my smart menu cover, and there was Clive giving me a sly smirk.

"Well, it seems like you just can't stay away from me, Sofie, huh?"

I pushed his arm away and scooted closer to Belle. I scowled at him. "Can you please go away? We want to enjoy our quiet evening."

Soon enough, Pearl came in with our others, and the boys started seating in our booth.

"Uh, why are you guys here? You have company over there." Belle points to the two girls, completely shocked and glaring at our table.

Vince sitting next to Belle gives her a wink. "Nah. Happiness is where you are, sweets." Belle instantly smacks his head, making the boys burst laughing.

I can't eat my fries properly as Clive slowly scoots closer to me, our knees slighly touching. I did my best not to look at him and just focus on my food, which failed miserable because he is now much closer.

"I thought I said call me, doll face." He whispers to my ear, making me jolt a little and turn my face to him. Big mistake. As I felt our noses brush and our cheeks touching, my heart was racing. My heart is racing. He did not move, his eyes fixed at mine and then to my lips. "I was waiting," he whispers, smelling his minty breath as he slowly leans in.

A sudden thud makes us jump and come back to reality. Jasper slapped the table at a joke he made, making the whole table laugh. We quickly moved away from each other, and I hurriedly drank my ice tea.

What the heck was that, Sofie?

"Hey Sulli, I'm just going to go to the powder room, okay?" I whispered in her ear, and she gave me a nod. I quickly got up from my seat not looking at Clive and hurriedly walked out of the diner.


I was met with the cold air again as I walked to the side of the diner. "Sofie, that was nothing. What are you doing?!" I grasped on my chest, which was beating rapidly.

"No, no, no, this can't be. Not again," I said, catching my breath. A vast number of memories come crashing in. 

"Sofie, are you alright?" the voice that now sends shivers down my spine.

"Clive, I'm okay. Go inside." still holding on to my chest.

"What's wrong?" A tone of worry from Clive, I look up at him and see him coming close. Please don't.

"Really, Clive, I'm fine." I turn back, walking away from him. Waving my hand for him to go away.

For a quick moment, Clive turns me around to face him as his arm snakes around my waist. Supporting me so I can stand. This time I can now see his beautiful face, with the diner's light's help. He is truly gorgeous. A look of worry crosses his face.

"Sofie, breathe. In..out." He started cupping the side of my cheek as we inhaled and exhaled together. His eyes were just focused on mine, and I can't even look away. I held on to him while I tried to normalize my breathing. This can't be happening. I can't be 15-year-old Sofie all over again.

Surprised, I felt Clive rest his forehead on my temple. Our breathing was loud as it was the only thing we could hear. He was still rubbing my shoulders for warmth; I don't want him to let go.

And with that, I was doomed starting tonight. 

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