Captain's Heart

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Captain America was sitting in the kitchen of the Avengers Tower, thoughtfully chewing on a sandwich and washing it down with black tea. The sun was already setting, and its orange rays generously flooded the spacious kitchen. Finally, June had arrived, and with it, summer came into its own, bringing warmth and the light fragrance of sweet flowers.

But Rogers' thoughts were far from summer, warm weather, and the sun. A couple of weeks ago, he had made a life-changing decision and still didn't know how to tell Aisha about it. He wanted to propose to his beloved, to bind himself in marriage with Aisha. But the question of "how?" began to haunt him immediately after the joyful thoughts of a future together with the woman he loved.

"How do I propose to Aisha?" Steve asked himself.

"How do I ask her beautifully to marry me? How do they do it in today's world?"

The long sleep in the ice of the Atlantic Ocean since the 1940s still had its effects. It seemed like Steve had already gotten used to the fact that the world had changed, and familiarized himself with its innovations and customs, but his knowledge was still lacking to feel confident about how to propose in this new world.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps, and seconds later, Tony, Natasha, and Clint burst into the kitchen, breaking the blissful silence of the June evening.

Judging by their tired, wet, but happy appearance, they had just finished training.

"Ice Man, how's it going?" Tony greeted the Captain. "Warming up with tea? Maybe I should offer something stronger?"

Steve remained silent, thoughtfully taking another sip of his hot drink.

"Tony," Natasha scolded Stark with a look, "aren't you tired of joking about the same thing?"

"I never get tired of hearing these jokes," Clint chuckled, sitting down next to the Captain and opening a can of beer. "So, how's it going, Cap? Why are you sitting here so deep in thought?"

"Everything's fine," Rogers replied. "Just decided to have dinner in peace."

"Is it because of Aisha?" Natasha asked, and Steve looked at her in surprise.

He was still amazed by the uncanny insight of the former spy.

"Judging by the silence, it's definitely about Aisha," Stark smirked, pouring himself a glass of cool whiskey. "Come on, tell us what happened."

"Nothing happened," Steve waved it off, pushing his half-eaten sandwich away.

"Did you have a fight?" Tony guessed, leaning against the table across from Cap.

"No," Steve answered.

"Did you nag her with your 'Watch your language!'?" Tony pressed on.

"What? No."

"Was there a disagreement? You didn't back down?" Clint tried to guess.

"No, not at all!"

"Boys, don't pressure him," Natasha smiled, sitting down next to the Captain as well. "Steve will share the problem if he feels it's necessary."

"There is no problem!" Steve raised his voice a bit. "I just don't know how people propose in this century."

At first, after the Captain's words, the kitchen fell silent. None of the Avengers had expected that answer. But five seconds later, all three burst into laughter.

"And that's what's been bothering you this whole time?" Clint asked, laughing heartily, without expecting an answer.

"I thought something genuinely serious had happened!" Iron Man chimed in.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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