She will stay until tomorrow... (18+)

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Being loved is not easy, and loving each other-especially when you stand on opposite sides of good and evil-is even harder.

Alina was born in Hydra. She grew up immersed in the dangerous ideologies of a terrorist organization. For many years, her mind was consumed by thoughts of world domination, restricting people's freedoms, and establishing a new world order that Hydra deemed justifiable. Alina was driven by rage and loyalty, fully dependent on the reasoning of the other generals. She knew only one family and never considered that her family's beliefs were wrong, painful, and destructive to the lives of others. But one day, after meeting Captain America, something in her mind shifted.

Alina had never seen such pain and despair in human eyes as when someone stood against Hydra. He was ready to give his life for ordinary people, willing to die for his friends, charging into battle recklessly, and doing anything to stop her and her army-Hydra itself.

With every confrontation, Alina saw in his eyes righteous anger and universal forgiveness. It made her reflect. She saw the pain, blood, fear, and death that Hydra caused and that she herself had blindly fostered.

"They're someone's children, fathers, and mothers, they have families, and people waiting for them!" Rogers shouted desperately, trying to reach her-one of Hydra's strongest generals. "Can you even imagine how painful it is to hear the cry of a child calling for their mother, not knowing she'll never come back?"

"I don't know," she replied, trembling, as she continued to serve Hydra, killing innocent people. "And I don't care."

At night, she could no longer sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, Alina saw only the death she had brought to people's homes with her own hands. Something in her soul shifted, and a realization dawned on her foggy mind: she was no longer on the side of good and justice; she had never been there. She was the evil she had read about in children's books, the one Hydra taught to kill and blindly obey orders.

"Stop!" Steve bravely shielded an innocent person from her harsh hand.

For some reason, it was very important to him to reach her. He desperately wanted Alina to awaken, take his hand, and leave with him.

From their first meeting, at the first glance, his heart fluttered, his soul ached, and a single thought pulsed in his mind: "She must leave Hydra. I have to save her."

"Only you can stop all this!" he shouted, gazing into her big eyes with such pleading that her knees nearly buckled.

"I don't want to," she replied impassively, but she turned and walked away. She couldn't kill Steve. She didn't want to kill for Hydra. She was afraid.

There were so many clashes between them, so many glances and fleeting conversations amidst the chaos of battle, that neither of them could pinpoint when the turning point occurred when they realized they were in love.

Alina knew how much evil she had done, and how many people she had killed. She saw the hatred and anger in the Avengers' eyes, how ordinary people feared and blamed her, and she agreed with them. She felt the same about herself now, but she couldn't leave Hydra. She was already mired in this swamp up to her neck, gasping for air, and Steve's kind gaze, his hand outstretched to her, didn't chase away her fear, didn't give her hope for redemption.

And it was vital for Steve to save her. He saw something human in her eyes, something scared and desperate. He just wanted to grab her, hold her close, and never let go. To tell her that it was all behind them and she no longer had to fear Hydra. The Avengers didn't understand him, but they supported him, gritting their teeth and nodding silently. Alina had caused them so much pain, but they were ready to accept her, try to forgive her, and give her a second chance for Rogers' sake.

IMAGINES: CAPTAIN AMERICA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now